Page 21 - MWC 10-27-2022s
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HAY QUALITY                                                                               The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P21
      continued from page 13             of hay should be stored to-          •Consider processing poor  yet this fall or winter.  At a
                                         gether in order that they can  quality, long stem hay into  minimum, applying 30 to 50
         As you consider alterna-        be found and fed at the most  smaller particle size? Reduc- units of additional nitrogen
      tives for efficiently feeding      opportune times throughout  ing the large particle size of  now will create additional
      late made, low digestible for-     the hay feeding season.            mature long stem grass hay  high-quality forage that can
      ages, and stretching the sup-         •Can bunk feeding cows  to two to 6 inches in length  be grazed later this year.
      ply of any high-quality forag-     during the winter months be  can increase the rate of for-              •As soon as possible preg-
      es that might be in inventory,     made an option? This allows  age digestion enough that it  nancy check and eliminate
      consider this brief checklist:     for limited supplementation  allows cows to consume 25- open or unproductive cows.
         •Sample, test and inven-        of extra energy  and/or pro- 30% more forage on a daily  Cull cow values remain high,
      tory each lot of hay that has      tein in the correct amounts  basis.                                  and high quality forages are
      been made. Similar qualities       and at the correct times.            •If forage processing is not  a precious commodity that
                                                                                       an option for you,  need to be reserved for pro-
                                                                                       consider using a  ductive, bred cows.
                                                                                       prebiotic feed ad-        In the meantime, if Mother
                                                                                       ditive that will  Nature has caused you to be
                                                                                       increase fiber di- dealing with far too much hay
                                                                                       gestibility. The  in- of subpar quality, now is the
                                                                                       crease in digestion  time to assess feed inventory
                                                                                       of feedstuffs by  and create a plan for how to
                                                                                       supplementation  effectively and efficiently uti-
                                                                                       of a prebiotic is the  lize what you presently have.
                                                                                       result of increased  Calves are and will continue
                                                                                       numbers of rumi- to be into the foreseeable fu-
                                                                                       nal bacteria and  ture too valuable to risk their
                                                                                       the activity of the  health and performance by
                                                                                       normally       occur- mismanaging momma’s nu-
                                                                                       ring intestinal mi- trition in the coming months.
                                                                                          •Optimize the
                                                                                       quantity and qual-
                                                                                       ity of pasture lands
                                                                                       that can be grazed

      says,  “Three percent  shrink  and other partners are paid                                                                               6  1  0  1  0  2  , 0  3   r e   b  m    e t p   e S   n a    m    e l t t a C   t s e    w   d i M    e  h   T
       BSE Clinic Time
      is probably unavoidable. The  accurately after the sale.
      question is, is it going to be        Last, but not least, when
      worse than that?”                  all cattle have successful-
       By Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension        cattle feeders concrete tanker fence
           Is there information that  ly made it to the sale barn,
                                                                                    cattle feeders concrete tanker fence
        Has your bull had a breeding  go grab yourself a hot beef
      should be shared with buyers         We’ve  scheduled  four  clinics  of  cows  keep  coming  back  in  progeny differences (EPDs) and
       soundness  exam  (BSE) since  where  you  can  get  your  bulls  heat.  There  are  no  other  out-ze-proof pond tank
      when your cattle enter the  sandwich and a piece of pie at                    line tank stock free       breeding programs or whatever
                                                              line tank stock freeze-proof pond tank
                                                                                      THIS AIN'T
       you pulled him from the breed-  the sale barn café and take a
      ring?  What shots have they         completely  examined,  given  ward signs of trich in the bull  is on your mind. Ed Trotter with
                                                                                        NO BULL!
                                                                                    united stated midwest www.thecon-
       ing pasture this summer? Fer-  deep breath. The hard work is
      had and when? Prepare an            parasite control treatment and  or cow for that matter.              Pfizer will be at some of the clin-
      affidavit sheet to give to the  through.                united stated midwest www.thecon-
       tility and breeding ability can  vaccinated and be ready to turn
                                                                                                               ics  with  information  on  their
                                                                              Here are the dates and loca-
                                            Best wishes to all cattle-
       fluctuate in bulls from year-to-
      auctioneer’s stand, ensuring        out  if  everything  checks  out  ›› Concrete Cattle Feeders         DNA evaluation program.
       year  and  season-to-season.  If  okay. In addition, if you’d like,  tions of our fall clinics.
      your cattle bring the most  men and cattlewomen on sale                                                   Call the above veterinary of-
       you’ve preg checked your cows  they can check your bull for the  ›› Super-Tanker Fence Line
      money for the time and effort  day in the coming months!                                                 fices for your appointment time.
                                                                              October 11 - Barry County Vet  Of course, there’s a limit to the
       and found several open, it just  sexually  transmitted  disease,
      you have put in. Additionally,     Drovers                                 Freeze-Proof Stock Tank
       might  be  cause  to  check  him  trichomoniasis. Trich is on the  Services, Cassville
      share split information with                                                                             number of bulls the clinics can
                                                                              Contact: Dr. Voyd Brown, 847-
      the accountants, ensuring you       rise in this part of the world. It’s   ›› Freeze-Proof Pond Tank     accept so you may need to pick a
                                          suspected when a large number  2677                                  different time and/or a different
                                                                             ›› Delivery in the Cont. U.S.     veterinarian. It’s just important
                                                                              October 12 - Kent Veterinary  to have your bulls checked out.
        Buffalo Livestock Market                                            Clinic, Billings                    A survey of cow-calf farms in
                                                                              Contact Dr. Harvey Kent, 744-    24 states in 2008 showed that
                                                                            2222                               about 25% do a semen evalua-
          Special   Cattle Sale                      Special     Sheep      Reader Service No. 2163 SOLD!
                                                                                                               tion on their bulls before turn-
         Vaccinated   Every                        Stock Cow       &          October 13 - Dake Veterinary  out. I doubt if we’re that high
                                    Watch our                  Goat Sale
           Cattle    Saturday      sale live on the   & Bull Sale           Clinic, Miller                     in  southwest  Missouri.  The
                                    Internet at
                                                                              Contact: Dr. Chuck Dake, 452-
                                                                                                               October BSE clinics in the past
            Sale     12:00 Noon                         3301BUILT FOR RANCHERS
                                                   3rd Tuesday  4th Tuesday                                    few years have found more prob-
                                                                                           BY RANCHERS
          2nd Sat. of   Selling all classes
                                                                                                     7-6-18 Plains
                                                                                                               lems with bulls than the clinics
         Each Month   of cattle                                       
                                                                              October 14 - Countryside Ani-    in  March.  Hot  weather  could
                                                                            mal Clinic, Aurora                 be more of a problem than cold
                                                   Reader Service No. 2163
             Lyle Caselman - Owner-Manager: 417-345-7876 • Mobile: 417-533-2944  Contact: Dr. Mike Bloss, 678-  when it comes to bull fertility. It
                 Leon Caselman - Owner: 417-345-4514 • Mobile: 417-588-6185  4011                              could even be from fescue toxins
                                                                                                               consumed or a combination of
                       Call Lyle or Leon to find out what we can do for you:    THE CONCRETE WORKS LLC
            Danny Cross 417-576-5461 • John Sanwald 417-588-9113 • Bobby Cole 573-674-3131   Besides the BSE, I will be at  factors.
                                                                            the clinics to answer questions,
                        Barn 417-345-8122                                   discuss  bull  sales,  expected
                                                                                      7-6-18 Plains
                                                   Green Springs
                                    Performance & Efficiency Tested
                             BULL SALE                                                                90 BULLS
                                                                                                         200 on test
                                 Sunday, Nov. 21st, 1:00 P.m.                                        Selected from over
                                    at Mo-Kan Livestock, Butler, MO                                    8 Breeds
                                                                                                     Large Genetic Pool
                              “Only the best
                              pass the test”
                                                    • ANGUS • GELBVIEH  •  LIMOUSIN •
                                                         • LIMFLEX • SIMMENTAL •
                                                         • BRAUNVIEH • HEREFORD •

                                                              Call 448-7416 for information

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