Page 23 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 23
BUILDING A CASE The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P23
continued from page 17 ed during a reach a wider base of Lazy
fill that gap.” drought.” Bar F customers.
Moderate, easy fleshing There's Shorthorn has launched
cattle that don't expect to be reason he new careers and won the
fed all summer is the Lazy feels con- hearts of the Ferguson fam-
on ily. Don and Kim think more
Bar F goal.
“We've been AI-ing to some the big ma- people should give the breed
Jungel Shorthorn Farm sires chinery. At a chance, like they did. Kim
out of North that put a lot of Tinker Air has a favorite quote from El-
Force Base eanor Roosevelt that fits such
performance into our herd,”
in Oklaho- a challenge. “You can often
Kim said. “Our showier cows agriculture whatsoever. ma City, Mike trains on big change your circumstances
mate really well to them also, “He's learning,” Kim said
which adds performance light-heartedly. “And getting Airborne Warning and Con- by changing your attitude.”
Case closed.
trol System (AWACS) jets.
back into the show calves. I better. He planted wheat a On the ranch, Kim is con-
want people to know us for couple of times and still brags templating putting his tech
producing quality seedstock that the two years he planted savvy skills to work on social
that can perform in the pas- were the best crops ever. Of media in the years ahead to
ture, and hopefully hit with a course those weren't plant-
show heifer too, if they want.”
The Fergusons often get
reports back on how well WHY ARE WE STILL HERE AFTER MORE THAN 25 YEARS?
their genetics are working at
both ends of the spectrum. A
customer in eastern Oklaho-
ma convinced another cattle-
man to try a Shorthorn bull
on some black cows. When
the calves were sorted, the
Shorthorn crossbreds im-
“You can't beat hybrid
vigor,” Don said, “and Short-
horn add something else as
good milkers. That's one rea-
son why we have 30 or more
that are Shorthorn Plus in
our herd.”
A county carcass contest
proved to be the platform for
Shorthorn to be showcased in
another way.
“An FFA student want-
ed one of our calves to enter
in the carcass contest,” Don
said. “Low and behold, he
won it! Black hide doesn't al-
ways mean something. Virtu-
ally every other calf in that MAKE SURE YOU ARE
contest was black.”
As for the show ring... IN OUR SPECIAL
“We sold one into Iowa
this April,” Don said. “They RED ANGUS
bought a January calf just
weaned and won Minnesota FEATURE
and Iowa State Fairs with
her. Out of that same sale,
we sold to a gal in Oklaho- FEBRUARY 2
ma who got 3rd in the Tulsa
Soon, the attorney and vet-
erinary Shorthorn producers
may gain another hand to
help them spread the word
of Lazy Bar F Shorthorns.
Kim's husband will retire
from the air force next year.
Where dad grew up with cat-
tle as a kid, and daughter had PHONE: 417-644-2993 - EMAIL: CATTLEMAN@CUTTINGEDGEUS.COM
horses growing up, the son-
in-law has no background in