Page 26 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 26
MARKET REPORT The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P26
Feeder Cattle Daily
Live Cattle MU hosts groundbreaking for
Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory
The laboratory plays a African swine fever, foot- $30 million renovation and es, including avian influenza,
major role in the early de- and-mouth disease, rabies expansion of the MU College African swine fever, foot-and-
tection, testing and post-out- and chronic wasting disease. of Veterinary Medicine’s Vet- mouth disease, rabies and
breaks of foreign and The University of Missou- erinary Medical Diagnostic chronic wasting disease.
emerging animal diseases, ri recently hosted a ground- Laboratory (VMDL) The expanded and reno-
including avian influenza, breaking ceremony for the MU’s VMDL performs vated facility will add 34,200
more than square feet to the existing
167,000 di- building, including:
agnostic •Separate receiving areas
tests annual- and laboratories for routine,
ly to support high-risk and foreign animal
Miss ouri’s disease and biosecurity cases
companion •Separate laboratory
and agricul- spaces for clean materials
ani- and diseased or infected ma-
Live Cattle: My thoughts center around this market stabilizing now. I’ve been Feeder Cattle: All you have to do is look at the corn market for a reason for the
wild- terials
placing a bullish tilt to this market for some time now. I may need to temporarily pull-back in feeders. If I owned a feedlot I’d be nervous to say the least. I do feel
place this on “hold” for a while. The higher placements the last three months will the feeder market has overdone it to the downside and it will be tough to break it
life, and zoo
•Space for client consulta-
have a negative impact on prices yet, so like they say, “All good things come to those further. The early corn harvest has most feeder buyers in the field and I don’t think
animal con- tion
who wait”. I see production numbers staying over last years’ levels until at the they’ve really had time to concentrate on buying feeders. Let’em get caught up a
•An area for after-hours
least the end of the year. Beef shipments have been lagging last years’ levels now little and they’ll head to town.....checkbooks in hand....bulging with “corn” money.
efforts. As a sample drop-offs
for about a month. Two weeks ago they were 8% lower than last year. This weeks This market will rally....wait and see.
report showed exports a whopping 56% lower than last year. This ain’t good. Low Level 1 Lab- •Space for laboratory
imports and high exports have held this market up all summer. We’re starting to oratory of teaching and research
lose some of that. I just can’t pull the trigger yet on long term bullish hopes. the Nation- •ADA accessible entranc-
al Animal es
Health Laboratory Network, MU College of Veterinary
Trading commodity futures involves substantial risk of loss
the VMDL plays a major role
and my not be suitable for all investors. The recommendations
Rich Nelson express opinions of the author. The information they contain is
Allendale Inc. in the early detection, testing
obtained from sources believed reliable, but is in no way guaran-
and post-outbreaks of foreign
815-578-6161 Allendale Inc. teed. The author may have positions in the markets mentioned
including at times positions contrary to the advice quoted herein. and emerging animal diseas-
Opinions, market data, and
recommendations are subject to change at any time.
What Does this Report Mean to Me?
Q #1
What do you think the price of fats will be in April 2011
Answer: It’s hard to see the forest for the trees here, but peering through the foliage I see $105.00 fats on the horizon for April. Demand is
going to have to kick in though in order to get it.
Q #2 • Featuring ‘ Program’
Due to the recent break in feeders, would you be holding your fall-weaned
Cattle Weekly
calves for a while or letting them go?
• DVAuction Service for convenient
Answer: What ever happened to the easy questions? This will depend upon your weaning sched-
online viewing & bidding
ule and your available feed supply. I’m long term bullish the feeder market but the “reality” of SALE!
Vienna, Mo 65582 $ $ 33,595
Selling All Classes of Cattle Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.
right now probably dictates letting them go. If you keep them for an extra 30 days, make sure you
For more information: Ross Patton 573-308-6657 • Bill Patton 573-308-6658
minimize the grain in the ration. Grow them on good forage....”sell” $4.50 corn. If the fat market
• David Patton – 573-308-6655 •
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