Page 17 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 17
your Shorthorn, you won't she said. “We work on them The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P17
get hurt.” all the time at the clinic.” Experiences like
Kim agrees that the docil- Kim illustrated the impor- this have served
ity of the herd is top of mind. tance of soundness with a as a great teacher.
“I see a lot of crazy cat- harrowing story. Real world adven-
tle come through the clinic,” “We have three farms, and tures in the cat-
Kim said. “With our Short- two of them have pretty big tle business have
horn, I am not worried about canyons on them,” she said. made her a better
my 74 year old father or my “One day, everyone was out of vet. And work at
young daughter working town, except me and my six- the vet clinic has
around our bulls or the cows. year-old daughter. We were made Kim a better
The other day, there was one checking herds and couldn't hand on the ranch.
in the pasture with a bad eye. find this one heifer. We took “I can commu-
Dad and Talia moved all the the four-wheeler, but ended nicate with ranch-
cattle, sorted that cow out, up having to drop down ers at the clinic
got her in the chute and doc- an embankment and walk. much better be-
tored her without a problem.” When we spotted her, she cause I've been
There's more to Shorthorns had fallen down a ravine and there and been
that Don and Kim defend. was stuck upside down, feet through it,” Kim
Maternal traits and good in the air, belly up. I thought said. “I can relay
mothering ability to raise a she was a gonner, but Talia my experience,
calf rank up there. Accord- said she didn't think she was and have already
ing to Kim, “marbling is also dead. I had to call a neighbor. worked through it
a big deal. We've had people By that time it was dark, but on a medical level
who bought beef from us, tell we got a halter on her. Then to better serve my
us it is the best they've ever my neighbor wedged his legs client.” and see who's winning too.
eaten.” under her. He told me if she Kim has also learned the The tricky part, especially in
On pastures that roll, tuck broke his legs, I'd have to ropes as a cow/calf producer the Shorthorn breed, is that
and plunge among big Okla- feed his cattle all winter. She by talking to other purebred there tends to be a big gap
homan canyons, Dr. Kim em- had to have been there for a breeders. between what shows in the
phasized the importance of while, but we got her up. She “I try to go to a lot of sales ring and what performs in
good feet and legs. survived and didn't break and talk with producers,” the pasture. I am trying to
“There are a lot of cattle her's or the neighbor's legs. she said. “I watch the shows
that don't have good feet,” Yeah, legs and feet matter.” continued on page 23
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