Page 16 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 16
The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P16
Building a Case for Shorthorn
By Brenda Black
Lazy Bar F, near Chick- based on one recommenda-
asha, Ok., is not a ranch tion: Invest in more genetics.
passed down through many That meant upping the game
generations. In fact, owner and increasing the numbers
Don Ferguson has been at it to make room for father and
for only 25 years. His daugh- daughter to have a go in the
ter Kim came aboard 10 seedstock industry together.
years ago. Neither had much Between two demand-
experience in the beef busi- ing careers, the duo has ne-
ness, but their short sprint gotiated work loads on the
from 16 cows to 120 pasture ranch, with Kim covering
performing Shorthorns is everything Monday through
measure of their shared de- Wednesday, and Don on duty
termination to make a case when Kim works Thursdays
for Lazy Bar F. and Fridays at the Clinic.
As an estate attorney, Don “Weekends are up for
knows how to litigate for a grabs,” Kim said. “We plan
client. In this situation, it's breedings and A.I. timings on
his cattle he represents. After weekends too. We A.I. about
partnering on a small herd 50 head - all the heifers and
with a neighbor and friend some of the cows. We'll put
who owned Shorthorn, Don embryos in around 40 head
struck out on his own, and also.”
added to his resume: Short- During spring and fall calv-
horn breeder. ing seasons, they both jug-
In 2012, his daughter gle early morning and after
moved from Arizona back to work to make herd checks. If said. “I figured out when I ly,“My dad is a character. He
Oklahoma with her husband, they're watching heifers, it's got the herd up to around 40 doesn't smoke, but just chews
Air Force Lt. Col. Mike Sand- home on lunch break too. head, that a guy working by on a big ol' nasty cigar all the
ers, and their three-month- “We enjoy it,” said Kim, “I himself -- it's all he can han- time. He doesn't look like or
old daughter Talia. Once enjoy doing it with my dad dle. Up to 150 breeding cows, act like an attorney. He's laid
relocated, she filled an open- and spending time with him there's no way one person can back in a lot of ways, but he's
ing at the Verden Veterinary more than I would otherwise. do it when they have a job pretty set in his ways too. I
Clinic as one of four lead vets. We have conversations about elsewhere. Even with both of hope I have some of his char-
“Dad looked like he need- breeding and what we're us, there are times when it is acteristics. He likes to joke,
ed some help,” Kim said. “He going to do next. And now my hard to get it all done by 8:00 but cares about every per-
was in a good job, and it was 10-year-old daughter partici- or 9:00 o'clock at night.” son he meets. I hope I have
getting to be too much work pates as well.” While the day-to-day du- that.”
to do alone. He was thinking Between them, every ani- ties are divided, Don proudly The quality of their adult
he'd just put an Angus bull mal divided among four loca- proclaims that he leaves the friendship has blossomed
on them and stop the Short- tions is seen at least once a breeding decisions to Kim. since Kim stepped in to part-
horn deal. I didn't think that week. “The quality of our cattle ner on the cattle. The quali-
was a good idea.” “I enjoy cattle and work- are a lot better under her ty of the herd has advanced
Kim presented her case ing with my daughter,” Don management!” Don said. “So, as well. Even as Kim has in-
I leave the breeding to her. creased the worth of the herd
Period. And I don't mess with through genetic selection,
show calves. She lives next docility of Lazy Bar F Short-
door to me and keeps the horns has been -- from the
show calves at her place, so beginning, and will always
she and my granddaughter be – the one trait that won't
can work with them.” be forgotten.
As adamant as Dad may be, “I used to hunt quail with
his daughter's verdict is a bit a friend who had a large
different. When asked if her herd of black cattle,” Don
attorney dad's go-to strategy said, “and I told him one time
for conveying his ideas would I was going to get rid of my
be: A. Plea his case, B. Take Shorthorn and get black cat-
the 5th, or C. Have no fur- tle, because I was tired of get-
ther questions, Kim laughed ting dinged for red cattle in
when she answered, “Plea the market. My friend said,
his case, most definitely. But, 'You don't make a living like
I think he would answer, 'I do I do, with the cattle. But, if
what I'm told,' but that's not you got hurt, you would lose
entirely true.” much more money from time
Kim added affectionate- off at your job, or worse. With