Page 22 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 22
The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P22
Practice Patience with Your Stockpile
By Victor Shelton, Retired NRCS Agronomist/Grazing Specialist
When a lot of things that late for grazing at a later pe- er than normal but leaving er grazing season, quite
occupy your time or influence riod, usually for fall and win- good residual. That good stop often reduced production
your pocketbook are impact- ter grazing after dormancy. grazing height will slow run- due to shorter rest periods,
ed by the weather it is hard Stockpiling usually is initiat- off over winter, reduce any and again, increased inputs.
to not talk about it some! I ed anywhere from early Au- erosion and help springboard Enough of that tangent.
felt it was a very odd growing gust to the first of September. growth next season. Early grazing of stockpiled
season, at least in my neck of I like to see at least 60 days Quite often, people get in forage, prior to dormancy, re-
the woods. My reasons were of forage accumulation prior too much of a hurry to uti- duces the plant vigor the fol-
certainly different than in to the first frost – that means lize that stockpiled forage. lowing spring and quite often
other areas, even not that it needs to be started by This usually happens with opens it up to more compe-
far away. The weather con- mid-August most years. This systems that are running out tition from weeds, especial-
stantly reminds me that we time frame allows enough of forage to graze. Stocking ly if there was a lot of soil
need to always have a plan B time, with adequate rainfall, rates have increased on sev- disturbance or over grazing
and be prepared to act on it. to grow a nice amount of for- eral farms the last few years occurred. Fields that have
It also reminds me that we age for use after dormancy. – that is the number of ani- had increased weed pres-
need to build in as much re- Waiting until after dor- mal units (1000-pound live sure are probably not the
silience into the grazing sys- mancy is important. Dor- weight) on the total acres. best to stockpile and should
tem as possible. mancy often requires several Quite often to more animal be allowed to recover prior to
I’ve been asked twice re- nights in a row at 25 degrees units than the land base can dormancy and left ungrazed
cently about what I consider or lower. Once dormant, the adequately support. When until the next spring.
“stockpiled” forage. Stock- forage can be grazed with less that happens, more “fed” feed When possible, such fields
piled forage is technically harm to the plant’s energy is needed to support the an- could also be stockpiled early
defined as standing forage reserves. When it is grazed, it imals present. That is quite and then left to be utilized
that is allowed to accumu- can be taken down a bit clos- often purchased feed. The early the next spring when
pencil better be both the cows and owners are
pretty sharp to eager to start grazing. That
make that work stockpile not only could help
out well with to reduce weeds due to stron-
present day pric- ger root systems and cover
es. but can provide an excellent
A fair amount site for calving or such with-
of marginal land out mud.
that used to be I’ve seen several pastures
pasture or hay that were stockpiled as rec-
land has been ommended, but grazed too
converted to early, let to regrow, and then
cropland. If an- grazed again. I’ve intention-
imal numbers ally done this in some of my
were not adjust- experiments and paid for it
ed, the stocking dearly. Not only was there a
rate increased weakened forage stand the
putting more next spring, but the site was
pressure on the also more easily disturbed
remaining acres. during any grazing event
That generally and that greatly increased
means a short-
continued on page 24
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