Page 18 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 18

The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P18

                                                      By Matt Woolfolk, American Shorthorn Association
         When  you’re  setting  your  EPD included in the index.              American Shorthorn Asso- arrive at almost equal $BMI
      destination into your Google  These indexes are based on  ciation produces a trio of in- when you study these three
      Maps on a road trip, often  economic  factors  in  certain  dexes for members to use in  sires. Bull  A excels in calv-
      you will be given multiple  production scenarios; the  their breeding programs. The  ing ease, solid carcass, and
      routes to get to the destina- weightings of an EPD trait  $Calving Ease index ($CEZ)  high milk, while also being
      tion.  Options  include  short- are not arbitrary. An index is  is designed to identify genet- low enough growth to not be
      est travel time, least miles,  usually expressed in a unit  ics that excel in eliminating  penalized for (likely) larger
      or avoiding the toll roads  of dollars. Comparing two  calving difficulty in heifers.  mature  sized cows.  Bull B’s
      and back roads. Even if you  bulls for an index, the high- Our $Feedlot index ($F) is  value  in  a  $BMI  scenario  is
      choose to ignore the guid- er figure is projected to pro- constructed to help commer- largely in siring calves that
      ance, it can be a helpful tool  duce  more revenue for  the  cial producers find the bulls  will bring the most value at
      when heading to a new place.  operation when he is used in  that will best work for their  weaning through his high
      Much like directions to your  a breeding scenario like the  herds in a strictly terminal  growth genetics.  And Bull
      destination, there  are  often  one the index is designed for.  operation, focusing on growth  C is a combination bull that
      several ways to land at the  Situations that indexes are  and carcass quality.                          has good growth  data, high
      same end point when we are  constructed for usually cen-                Finally, $British Mater- milk, and solid calving ease.
      calculating selection index- ter around a commercial cow  nal ($BMI) aims to identify  Obviously, these bulls take
      es.  To dive deeper into this  herd with a specific end point  the Shorthorns that are best  three very different paths to
      subject matter, we’re going  or  marketing  goal  (replace- suited for commercial breed- the same destination.  With
      to make a U turn and go back  ment females, feeder steers,  ers in a situation where they  a more complex index like
      to the basics of selection in- retained ownership, etc.). In  are retaining their own re- $BMI, there’s going to be
      dexes to get a better grasp of  a seedstock situation, these  placement females.                        multiple paths to the same
      the harder stuff later in the  indexes find value in helping            Much like developing a  answer. Remember, while
      journey.                           the genetic provider (YOU)  ration  to feed  your calves,  $BMI does focus on aiding
         Selection indexes are es- produce cattle better suited  there are multiple ways to  the rancher that is keeping
      sentially a complex algebra- for the commercial custom- get to the same outcome  his own females, it does not
      ic equation with weights of  ers in those production sce- when using selection index  abandon the steer mates
      importance placed on every  narios.                                   technology in your program.  to his heifers.  That is why
                                                                            While the ingredients may all  you see growth and carcass
                                                                            be the same, the proportions  traits  involved in $BMI.  A
                                                                            and amounts can vary, all  bull’s peak value may be in
                                                                            while still getting your cat- making top-class daughters
                                                                            tle to the desired endpoint. I  with minimal regard to her
              Located 45 mi. SE of Kansas City, Mo on 58 Hwy. east at       want to take the time to dive  brothers, or he may sire good
           Modern Kingsville Livestock Auction Center at Kingsville, MO     further into this concept, so  females while siring killer
                                                                            below are some examples of  feeder calves. Both possi-
                                                                            how not all $BMI and $F are  bilities are viable options to
              Make Plans To Attend Our Next                                 created equally.  We’ll study  generate similar financial re-
                                                                            how these bulls’ genetic pro- turns to the operation.
               Special Cow & Bull Sale                                      files don’t necessarily look
                                                                            the same but can produce the  $Feedlot
                                                                                                                 This index is designed to
         - Saturday, November 19th -                                        same outcome from a reve-         so it’s logical that growth is
                                                                            nuegenerating perspective or  focus on terminal marketing,
                                                                            index value.
                               11:00 am                                     $British Maternal                 a driver of $Feedlot.  With
                                                                                                              Bull 1, you get good growth
                                                                              There are several ways to  with above average carcass
                         In conjunction with

                Show-Me-Select Bred Heifers

                    On-Line Bidding available at


              All Consigners & Buyers Welcome
                     Call 816-597-3331 Office

                       Rick, Jeremy or Jared Anstine
          816-258-3421 • 816-716-9288 • 816-878-5229

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