Page 21 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 21

their Shorthorn bulls selling  horn Association.                                         The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P21
       the week after.                      “This is a great
          Brett said MSA member- opportunity,”             he
       ship is definitely growing due  said.      “Shorthorn
       to the intensified exposure.  breeders         are    a
       A new website is up, mar- trustworthy group
       keting campaigns are in the  that supports one
       works,  and  a  new  member  another. If you are
       directory will go out digital- a small producer
       ly in 2024. In Missouri alone,  and you are not
       memberships have  nearly  doing it to make a
       tripled in the last few years.  living,  you  can  do
       The  breed  is  becoming  con- it for the lifestyle
       sistently more popular, with  and just to enjoy
       registrations trending up by  the cattle.”
       20%, while other breeds are          Added to Brett's
       declining.  Added to the tra- pitch for the breed
       jectory is a a 20% increase in  is a commendable
       junior memberships nation- nod for the oppor-
       ally.                             tunities a family
         “New people are coming to  can share with
       the breed,” Brett said. “I have  Shorthorn       cattle
       to give credit to our excellent  in the mix.
       officer team in Missouri be-         “You will enjoy
       cause they have been the  your time raising
       work horses behind getting  this breed more                             Families enjoy the show,  “Agriculture is our wisest
       sponsors, members and this  than any other,” Brett said.             interacting with other pro- pursuit, because it will in
       directory.”                       “Our junior program is so          ducers, and like how well the  the  end  contribute  most  to
         For people new to the cat- good on the state and nation-           program is run.”                  real wealth, good morals,
       tle industry or who have had  al level. In fact, the Short-             Brett Naylor the agrono- and happiness,” then Naylor
       a  commercial herd  and  are  horn Junior Nationals for              mist knows that an acre is  Angus & Shorthorn might
       wanting to get more involved  three years in a row has been          equal  to  43,560  square  feet.  be the right place to begin a
       with a purebred breed, Brett  voted as 'Best Jr. Nationals'          As a crop specialist, he un- journey with Shorthorn.
       believes they need to look no  via a publication that con-           derstands the importance             “The marketability of the
       further than with the Short- ducts a public poll.                    of getting as much as possi- breed has grown and im-
                                                                            ble out of every one of those  proved,” Brett said.  “We no
                                                                            square feet. The Naylor fam- longer have to worry about
                                                                            ily picked Shorthorn to be  sending a spotted animal to
                                                                            their right source on Mis- market and getting docked.
                                                                            souri's fescue.  They are on  We can sell private treaty,
                                                                            the cusp of seeing the breed  market online, or process
                                                                            grow at an impressive rate  meat and sell to the public
                                                                            after decades of personal loy- for a premium.  All of these
                                                                            alty. At the right time, when  different avenues of market-
                                                                            efficiency, quality and docil- ing, combined with the pleas-
                                                                            ity are paramount for pro- ant experience of interacting
                                                                            duction agriculture, Naylor  with other Shorthorn breed-
                                                                            Shorthorns is poised to meet  ers, makes it hard for me to
                                                                            the demand.                       recommend going anywhere
                                                                               As for the right place...  else.”
                                                                            Well, if  Thomas Jefferson
                                                                            was correct when he said,

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