Page 17 - MWC 10-26-2023s
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cass. Some want growth. We             “A lot of people don't real-                       The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P17
      focus on calving ease, so we  ize that if they use red bulls
      have a lot come to purchase  on black cows, the calves will
      bulls for use on first-calf heif- be  black,” Brett  said. “Some
      ers. We have some that want  might be solid red, depending
      good phenotypic bulls that  on  the  cows  genetics,  but,  if
      can cover ground and cover  cows are homozygous black,
      cows.”                             the calves will be black. I am
         Regardless of the slant  amazed at how many people
      that fits a customer's bent,  don't understand color genet-
      the overarching goal is to  ics.”
      sell bulls that hold up well.         When they do understand,
      “Bulls that break down or  they often select Naylor
      have bad feet only last one or  Shorthorn's solid red bulls.
      two breeding seasons,” said  According to Brett, more and
      Brett.  “That gets expensive  more people don't care about
      for bull buyers.”                  hide color like they used to.
         One of Naylor's local cus- “Fewer  people now  say they
      tomers has saved on sire ex- just  need black,”  he said.
      penses for a good, long while. “Now they say that they just
         “She is still using a  want the  best bull, regard-
      13-year-old bull she bought  less of breed or color.”
      from my parents years ago!”           If a customer is interest-
      Brett said. “People have got- ed in a colorful calf crop, the
      ten used to our bulls doing a  Naylors can meet that ex-                In  a divide and  conquer  been          incorporating     more
      good job, exhibiting longevi- pectation too.  “In the show            operation there remains a  production  genetics  into  the
      ty, and trusting that we pick  world, we would use white              balance of labor, a balance of  herd. Our best cattle now
      the right bull for their herd's  Shorthorns to get blue roans,”       preferences, and a keen focus  have been a blend. Show ge-
      needs.”                            Brett  said. “Even  with com-      on balanced genetics.             netics have great phenotype.
         More  and more, the  Nay- mercial breeders, there is a               “Many years ago,” Brett  Then, when you bring in a
      lor family is bringing to  demand  for some  blue roan                said,  “I showed quite a bit.  production bull, you can get
      light many of the Shorthorn  commercial females. Many                 Those show cattle were real- calving ease and good growth.
      breed's benefits, while edu- will say they had a blue roan            ly sound, easy fleshing, and  We see a blend like that in a
      cating customers about mis- once and she was their best               thicker made 25 years ago. In                   continued on page 20
      conceptions.                       cow.”                              the past 15 or so years, we've

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