Page 19 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 19

The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P19

      A Hay Test is Worth Every Penny                                                                      By Christine Gelley, OSU Extension

         As hay making season  results you get back will give  here  to  help  you.  We  have                    9.Label the sample bag
      ends and hay feeding season  you the information you need  tools you can borrow and  with your name and sample
      approaches, it is time to re- to decide what type of feed  personnel to help with con- ID.
      mind everyone who feeds hay  and how much you will need  sultation. Here are the steps                     10.Complete the Sample
      how important getting a hay  to purchase to keep your an- of how to take a hay test.                    Information Form for the lab
      test completed is for deciding  imals  productive  until  good          1.Subsamples can be col- you wish to use.
      how to  feed your  livestock  pasture is available to graze  lected with a Hay Probe and                   11.Return the Hay sam-
      this winter.  A hay test will  again.                                 a clean bucket or with your  ple(s) along with the Sample
      cost you far less than the cost       If you have never done a  hands and large scissors.               Information Form.
      of  a  single  round  bale.  The  hay test before, Extension is         2.Select 10 random bales           12.Go over the results of
                                                                            from the same field and cut- your hay test with a profes-
                                                                            ting.                             sional familiar with how to
                                                                              3.Drill/Reach      into    the feed your class of livestock.
                                                                            center of the bale, from the         When you get your hay
                                                                            wrapped side, not the ex- test back there are some key
                                                                            posed side, and remove a  terms  that are important to
                                                                            probeful/handful of hay.          understand for interpreta-
                                                                              4.Hold over the bucket and  tion. Forage nutritive values
                                                                            empty/cut 4-6-inch-long piec- analyses from the laboratory
                                                                            es.                               often include the following
                                                                              5.Repeat the above until  factors:
                                                                            you have subsampled all 10           •Dry matter (DM) is the
                                                                            bales.                            percentage of feed that is not
                                                                              6.With your hands, gen- water.
                                                                            tly mix up the pieces in the         •Crude protein (CP) mea-
                                                                            bucket.                           sures both true protein and
                                                                              7.Fill a quart plastic bag  non-protein nitrogen.
                                                                            with your composite sample.          •Adjusted crude protein
                                                                              8.Press out all the air and  (ACP) is a value corrected
                                                                            seal the bag.
                                                                                                                            continued on page 24
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