Page 24 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 24

FOCUS ON BULL                      atively closed herd, this prob-                        The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P24
      continued from page 13             ably  isn’t  a  big  concern,  but   A HAY TEST
                                         if the bulls have had contact      continued from page 19            calculated  by  taking  DDM
      Clark,  who  also  is  a  veteri-  with neighboring herds or if                                         multiplied by DMI and then
      narian, said post-breeding         new open cows were added           for  heat damage. It should       dividing by the constant 1.29
      season can be a good time to       to the herd prior to or during     be used in place of crude pro-    and communicated as a per-
      do an overall health evalua-       the breeding season, testing       tein.                             centage in comparison to the
      tion.                              is wise."                            •Neutral detergent fiber        feed value of full bloom alfal-
         "Hopefully         producers       IBC extension cow-calf          (NDF) measures the struc-         fa, which has a RFV of 100.
      have been checking regular-        specialist Randie Culbertson       tural part of the plant, the         •Relative Feed Quality
      ly throughout the breeding         said focusing on your older        plant  cell wall. NDF  gives      (RFQ) is another metric for
      season and catching things         bull is helpful now.               “bulk” or  “fill” to the diet.    ranking forage quality. It is
      like injuries, lameness, pink-        “This is also a good time       Therefore, lower numbers in-      similar to relative feed value
      eye, and other diseases," he       to evaluate your older bull's      dicate higher quality.            but is determined from an
      said. "There shouldn’t be any      performance through last             •Acid      detergent     fiber  improved equation for index-
      big surprises when bulls are       year’s calf crop," she said.       (ADF)  primarily  consists  of    ing grass forages because it
      pulled from the cows.”             "Did his calves perform as         cellulose, lignin, silica, insol-  considers fiber digestibility
         Depending on the process-       you expected?  Will you con-       uble crude protein, and ash,      in the calculation.  The cal-
      ing schedule, this may be a        sider  keeping  his  daughters     which are the least digestible    culation for RFQ is the per-
      good time to vaccinate and         as replacements?  And the          parts of the plant. Low ADF       centage of dry matter intake
      treat for parasites, Clark         bigger question is, did his        is preferred because it indi-     (DMI) multiplied by the per-
      said. The efficacy of external     calves have any calving is-        cates a higher energy value.      centage of total digestible
      parasite control often has         sues?                                •Total digestible nutrients     nutrients, the sum of which
      waned by the end of breeding          “A bull's value is in the per-  (TDN) represent the total di-     is then divided by the con-
      season and bulls may have          formance of his calves, and if     gestible components of crude      stant 1.23.
      picked up internal parasites       his calves are not performing      fiber, protein, fat, and nitro-
      while  grazing,  so  it  may  be   the way you would want, it         gen-free extract in
      beneficial to apply some kind      may be time to consider re-        the diet.
      of antiparasitic treatment.        placing that bull,” Culbert-         •Relative Feed
         Herd biosecurity is anoth-      son said.                          Value (RFV) pre-
      er top health priority.                                               dicts the animal
         “It may be worthwhile to        Iowa State University              intake rate and
      test for things like trichomo-     Iowa Beef Center                   energy value of
      niasis," Clark said. "In a rel-                                       forages according
                                                                            to the amount of
                                                                            digestible dry mat-
                                                                            ter (DDM) and po-
                                                                            tential dry matter
                                                                            intake (DMI). It is


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