Page 16 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 16

The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P16
        The Science Behind Naylor Shorthorns

                                                                    By Brenda Black

         Four key components fac-                                                                             ing rate of about 1.5 acres/
      tor heavily in the success of                                                                           cow.
      an agricultural operation:                                                                                 “One thing I've noticed
      Right source, right rate, right                                                                         that is kind of contrary to a
      time and right  place. Brett                                                                            lot of peoples' beliefs is brush
      Naylor lives in Halfway, Mo.,                                                                           hogging      pastures     early,”
      and Naylor  Angus & Short-                                                                              Brett  said.  “Sometimes it is
      horns split their purebred                                                                              too wet or the forecast pre-
      herd 50/50 between two be-                                                                              vents mowing this early, but
      loved breeds. In fact, the                                                                              when I am able I will go out
      Naylors even divide the work                                                                            the end of May or first week
      load twixt two Naylor house-                                                                            of June. It allows me to cut
      holds. But, don't be fooled.                                                                            off seed heads, and that gets
      The Naylor family does noth-                                                                            the plants into a vegetative
      ing halfway or halfheartedly.                                                                           mode instead of a seed bear-
      They are all in, 100% dedicat-                                                                          ing cycle. The result is a good,
      ed to raising seedstock born                                                                            thick patch of grass. My pas-
      of the right source, grown                                                                              tures that I mow early hold
      at the right rate, sold at the                                                                          up later in the year and don't
      right time and from the right                                                                           get so dry.”
      place.                                                                                                     Just as he understands
         Brett  Naylor is a third  white and roan, the females  plemental haylage.  This fall  and is able to manipulate
      generation Shorthorn breed- get divided based on readily  he wrapped 200 bales off 14  plant production, in his par-
      er, following in his grandfa- available forage, pregnan- acres.                                         allel  cattle  universe  Brett
      ther's and parents' footsteps.  cy stages and breeding sea-             Interest in soil health and  utilizes similar strategies
      He and his wife Brittney  sons. Though 90% of the herd  feed crop alternatives come  to breed, grow and market
      partner on cattle with Brett's  are fall calvers a few spring  automatic to Brett, who has  Shorthorn bulls.
      parents Gary and Pam Nay- bred will end up in Gary's  a PhD in Agronomy and Crop                           “I work with seed variet-
      lor in Polk County. In 2022,  and Pam's pastures, 15 miles  Science  from  the  University  ies,” Brett said. “If we don't
      the Missouri State Fair hon- from Brett and Brittney's  of Missouri, Columbia, and  get the right seed variety, on
      ored the Naylor family as  place.                                     works as  Variety Develop- the right soil and acreage,
      Shorthorn Breeder of the              “Both farms are run the  ment Manager in the Mid- it  won't  be  suitable  or  work
      Year, acknowledging their  same way,” Brett said.  “We  west region with global seed  right.  When someone calls
      long history with Shorthorns  manage together and move  company BASF. On the clock  for a bull, I have lot of ques-
      since the 1950s. Angus didn't  cattle back and forth when  he tests soybean seed prod- tions for them first. 'What
      enter the picture  until the  needed. They develop a group  ucts, compiles data and works  are you going to use him on?'
      late  1990s.  Today,  the Nay- of bulls there and I do here.”         with a team to launch new  and 'How many head?' and
      lors  run  both  breeds  as  one      Seeing eye-to-eye on daily  products and market them.  'What are your goals?' All of
      herd, with about a hundred  protocol comes easy since  Turning technical informa- their answers help us select
      head of each.                      Brett admits,  “My parents  tion into laymen's terms for  the right product for their op-
         “Running two purebred  pretty much taught me ev- customer training and sales  eration.”
      herds together makes it a  erything I know about proper  support is all part of the job                    Brett  said. “We A.I.  ex-
      little more difficult from a  management, breeding, and  description.                                   clusively since we  run two
      breeding standpoint,” Brett  caring for an animal's nutri-              Ever the crop scientist,  breeds in the same pasture,
      said. “But, we like to do that  tional needs.”                        Brett looks at pasture land  and we make those breeding
      because  we have  the same            Brett has a few ideas of  like crop land. His degree  decisions with our customers
      goals for each herd and can  his own that he implements  in plant physiology has him  in mind. We have customers
      evaluate them as the same  on his property, including  size up grass-growing a little  whose goal is to buy an ani-
      group.”                            rotational grazing and sow- differently, in order to get the  mal with good carcass traits.
         When it comes to housing  ing some winter wheat and  most out of the ground and  And we sell everything in
      200-plus head of black, red,  Sudan  grass  to  bale  as  sup- be able to maintain a stock- between. People want car-
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