Page 20 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 20

THE SCIENCE                        traits in the Shorthorn breed                          The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P20
      continued from page 17             has for too long been over-
      lot of our pedigrees. We don't        “There is a false perception
      go  to extremes, so  as not to  among feeders in the indus-
      lose what makes  an animal  try,” he said, “The data shows
      good. Selecting for one or two  that Shorthorn are as good
      traits, you'll eventually lose  as  anything from  a  carcass
      quality and get excess skin  standpoint.              Independent
      or bad feet, or animals that  data shows higher dressing
      don't hold up well. You'll lose  percentages. Using Short-
      functionality.”                    horn bulls on other breeds in
         Naylor Shorthorns don't  a crossbreeding program en-
      have to worry about that,  hances marbling.
      said Brett.                           You  are  not  giving  any-
         “Our cattle are structur- thing up. In fact, Shorthorn
      ally good footed, sound and  enhances carcass quality like
      last a long time,” he said.  other British breeds, and has
      “Our Shorthorn cows typical- better marbling and carcass
      ly make it into their teens,  than any Continental breed.”
      still in production. Everyone            As an  Angus breeder,        ognized and more respected  would be consigned to selling
      knows the breed is docile.  Brett has seen the benefits               through online  production  private treaty off the farm.
      They are the calmest cattle  of tooting one's own horn to             sales.  In  short  order,  they  Some who were on the fence
      on the farm, with good mater- keep a breed front of mind.             went  from  one  online  asso- about this form of marketing
      nal instinct, throwing calves  “But, I think it's important           ciation sale to two a year.  have seen the success of the
      that come on their own and  for the beef industry to know             In the spring and fall, they  recent sales and now believe
      get up and nurse.”                 that if we rely on only one        offer up MSA member's live  they have a good place to
         As president of the Mis- breed for production, he said,            lots and frozen embryo and  market their cattle.”
      souri  Shorthorn Association  “we  will  be  in  bad  spot. We        semen lots.                          Naylors  Angus & Short-
      (MSA), Brett recognizes the  need other breeds to provide               “The online sales allow us  horn utilizes the association
      challenges the breed faces  other characteristics.”                   to  reach  a  wider  audience,”  platforms as well as com-
      and also extols the strides           The  Missouri  Shorthorn        Brett said. “And it serves the  mandeering two online sales
      that are being taken to ad- Association is stepping up to             small breeder well. In the  of their own.  Their 12- to
      dress those obstacles. Brett  the challenge by making the             past, those breeders couldn't  16-month-old Angus  bulls
      contends that one of the best  Shorthorn breed more rec-              have their own sale and  sell November 2nd, with
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