Page 22 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 22

The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P22
         Cattle Auction Preparations: A Sale Day Checklist for Ranchers

                                                                    By Paige Carlson
         One of the biggest days of  There is nothing that can put  Stress equals shrink when it  tion (date, vaccines given, etc.)
      the year for most ranchers –  a damper on the day fast- comes to cattle. As Bob Lar-                       -Implant information
      sale day – is much anticipat- er than an injury. Especially  son, DVM, professor of pro-                   -Specific genetics
      ed, yet stressful.                 when a lot of cattle will be en- duction medicine at Kansas             -Any other information
         When it comes time to take  tering the facilities and when  State University says, “Three  that may help the cattle bring
      calves or cows to the sale  new or extra hands are help- percent shrink is probably  a premium
      barn, the laundry list of items  ing with the process. Ensure  unavoidable. The question is,               •Share  split informa-
      to  prepare  and complete for  the facilities are ready to use  is it going to be worse than  tion.  Notify the livestock
      the event may seem daunt- and all help understand how  that?”                                           auction accountants of split
      ing. Here’s some helpful tips  the facilities work.                     •Prepare an affidavit. Is  information (if applicable),
      and considerations for the            •Check your trailers.  there information that should  ensuring you and other part-
      days and hours leading up to  Your crew will not want to  be shared with buyers when  ners are paid accurately after
      sale time.                         wait on fixing a flat tire or  your cattle enter the ring?  the sale.
         Several days or weeks be- other equipment hiccups.  What shots have they had                            Last,  but  not least, when
      fore:                              Take some time to make sure  and when? Prepare an affi- all cattle have successful-
         •Consign your cattle.  the trailer tires are full of air  davit sheet to give to the auc- ly made it to the sale barn,
      Take the time to call the sale  and the pickup or truck is  tioneer’s stand, ensuring your  go grab yourself a hot beef
      barn a few weeks before sale  fueled and ready to go.  The  cattle bring the  most money  sandwich and a piece of pie at
      day to consign the cattle you  more time the cattle stand  for the time and effort you  the sale barn café and take a
      plan to sell.  This allows the  and wait to be loaded, the  have put in. This may include  deep breath. The hard work is
      barn to advertise your cattle  greater the shrink.                    a list of items, such as:         through.
      and have a general idea of the        Hauling and/or Sale Day:          -Calving date or timeframe         Best wishes to all cattle-
      total cattle numbers that will        •Communicate            with      -Weaning date (specifical- men and cattlewomen on sale
      be sold that day.                  your crew. Ensure all help  ly, how many days the calves  day in the coming months!
         •Line up help. Prepare to  understand your goals and  have been weaned)                              Drovers
      have extra hands on deck, if  plans for the day, including              -Preconditioning informa-
      needed, to efficiently load cat- the time round-
      tle and haul them to the sale  up begins, what
      barn.  How  many  head will  to bring and
      you be taking? Make sure you  where the cattle
      have adequate trailer room to  will be hauled
      haul cattle comfortably and  and           sold.   It
      help minimize shrink.              may seem re-
         •Move cattle closer to  dundant,              but
      working facilities (if pos-        it’s better to
      sible).  By moving the con- over-communi-
      signed cattle closer to the  cate so everyone
      working and loading facili- is on the same
      ties, cattle will have less ex- page.
      ercise and stress on sale day,        •Manage
      resulting in less shrink. This  your mindset.
      also allows them extra time  With the an-
      to become acquainted with  ticipation            and
      a new water source and stay        excitement      of
      hydrated.                          the day, keep
         One or two days before  in mind the im-
      loading/hauling:                   portance of low-
         •Check your facilities.  stress handling.

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