Page 23 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 23

The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P23
      Cow-Calf Share or Lease Agreements Need Review
      By Aaron Berger - University of Nebraska Extension
         The trend in cattle prices  of cash lease that would be ex- ing interest rates means the  production of weaned calves
      over the last year has been  pected to go to cow owners, or  person owning the cows may  and what their compensation
      dramatically toward  the up- the percentage of the calf crop  need to get a larger cash lease  should be either in cash or in
      side. Prices have risen higher  a cow owner should receive.  payment or percentage of the  a percentage of the calf crop.
      and faster than many mar- This change is due to the cur- calf crop to reflect more accu-                   Annually reviewing cow-
      ket analysts thought possi- rent market value of a bred  rately what is “fair” compared  calf share or  cash  cow  lease
      ble for 2023.  These changes  cow versus what the bred cow  to where things were just two  agreements is prudent under
      in market value are having  value was in the fall of 2022.  years ago.                                  current rapidly fluctuating
      an impact on beef cow share  The dramatic increase in in-               For the upcoming 2024- market conditions. For cow
      and cash lease agreements in  terest rates over the last two  year,  cow-calf share leases  share or  lease agreements
      determining what is “fair” to  years is also impacting what  or cash leases should be re- to be successful long term, it
      both cow owners and those  is a “fair” share and cash lease  viewed. The lease should ac- must work for all parties in-
      who are leasing the cows.          rate as well.   The change in  curately reflect what each  volved.
         For a cow owner, the follow- cow value as well as increas- person will contribute to the
      ing are the four major driv-
      ers that determine what is
      "fair" in terms of a cash lease
      or percentage of the calf crop         January 19-20, 2024
      the cow owner should receive.
      Those factors are:
         •Average cow herd value                    Location:
         •Cow salvage value                      Margaritaville
         •Replacement rate                         Lake Resort
         •Expected rate of return
      (interest rate) on cow value             494 Tan Tara Estate Dr
         The  average  market  value         Osage Beach, MO 65065
      of bred cows and cow salvage              Reserve a Room:
      values are significantly higher             573-348-3131
      than they were just a year ago.
      This dramatic change in mar-
      ket value is impacting what is               To Register
      “fair” in terms of the amount

             Livestock                       Check under the Events &
                                                 Meetings tab for
           Center, Inc.                       registration information

            On I-70, 4 miles east of                                       Registration is Now Open!
        Kingdom City, MO on outer road               By Mail:
                                                  Download the
              573-642-7486                                                   Whether you’re just starting out or bringing your third generation into the business,
                                             Registration form on the        learning how to better your operation is always a great investment. Join us in Osage
                                             website and mail to MCA          Beach this January to meet and learn from some of the industry’s top experts and
             Feeder Sale                           Heaquarters                           network with fellow producers from across the state.
                Monday                                                        MOVE MISSOURI’S BEEF INDUSTRY FORWARD.

               12:30 p.m.                    Cattlemen’s Education

         1st Thursday Night                   Learn from the latest and
            of Each Month                     greatest industry experts
                                             regarding current issues and
                6:00 p.m.
                                              topics in the beef industry
          Special Cow Sale

                                                Call 573-499-9162
             Jack Harrison
                                                MCA Headquarters
           John P. Harrison                   2306 Bluff Creak Drive

               573-386-5150                    Columbia, MO 65201
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