Page 26 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P26
      Awareness and planning important when grazing cornstalks.

      By Lindsay Waechter-Mead, DVM, University of Nebraska Extension

         Grazing corn residue is  epithelium. This leads to an                                                                  Photo - Troy Walz
       common practice in the Mid- increase in acid-loving bacte-
       west and a quality resource  ria and yeast in the damaged
       for cattle producers to utilize.  rumen. All of these affect the
       While the forages available  blood volume and hydration
       can provide the necessary  status of tissues throughout
       nutritional     requirements, the body, leading to acute
       there are a few health condi- clinical signs of diarrhea, de-
       tions that need to be planned  hydration, depression, and
       for prior to turn out.            anorexia.
                                            Treatment for acidosis in-
       Acidosis                          volves restoring the rumen
         Acidosis, or grain overload,  microbes, correcting dehy-
       occurs when cattle consume  dration, and acidic rumen
       large amounts of feed that  microenvironment, and man-
       contains high quantities of  aging secondary complica-
       fermentable carbohydrates,  tions. Long term consequenc-
       leading to clinical signs in  es of acidosis may include
       the animal.  When grazing  abortions and laminitis.
       corn residue, the feedstuff          Management is key to
       would be too much dropped  preventing acidosis and is                of corn in three different 100  tremors and sudden death.
       corn. Rumen microbes rapid- more rewarding than treat-               feet rows and dividing this  Abortions may occur 10-14
       ly begin to ferment the carbo- ment.  Knowing how much               number by 2.  If too much  days after ingestion  of high
       hydrates in the corn, which  corn is in the field will help          dropped corn is a concern,  nitrites due to lack of oxygen
       leads to an increase in lac- establish a grazing plan. The           rumen microbes can begin  to fetus.
       tate formation. When lactate  risk of acidosis increas-              acclimating to increased car-        Knowing the nitrate lev-
       production increases, the  es if  fields contain more                bohydrate diets by slowly in- els of plants intended as
       rumen pH drops below the  than 8 bushels of corn per                 creasing amount of corn fed  feed is vital information in
       normal range of 5.6-6.9 and  acre. Bushels can be estimat-           over a 10-day period prior to  establishing a prevention
       begins to damage the rumen  ed by counting dropped ears              grazing.                          plan.  Nitrate samples can
                                                                                                              be taken from both stand-
                                                                            Nitrate toxicity                  ing plants and baled forages.
                                                                              Nitrates accumulate in  Forages with >10,000 ppm
                                                                            plants when uptake by the  nitrate (NO3-)  may lead to
                                                                            roots exceeds the rate of con- acute toxicity signs and sud-
                                                                            version to protein, such as  den death.  Levels over 5,000
                                                                            during episodes of drought  ppm (NO3-) should not be fed
                                                                            and plant stress. When a ru- to pregnant animals due to
                                                                            minant consumes high-ni- the increased risk of abortion
                                                                            trate  plants, the  rumen mi- and stillbirth.
                                                                            crobes convert the nitrate to        Any      health     concerns
                                                                            nitrite. Excess nitrite is ab- should be discussed with
                                                                            sorbed into the bloodstream,  your veterinarian to estab-
                                                                            where it changes the oxygen  lish proper prevention and
                                                                            carrying capacity in red blood  treatment protocols.
                                                                            cells by converting hemoglo-
                                                                            bin to methemoglobin.  Met-
                                                                            hemoglobin is unable to
                                                                            carry oxygen to tissues in the
                                                                            body, resulting in asphyxia-
                                                                            tion. Clinical signs of toxic-
                                                                            ity include weakness, rapid
                                                                            breathing, lethargy, muscle
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