Page 14 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 14
MINIMIZING STORAGE The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P14
continued from page 7 FEEDING FROSTED
the hay in that bale. •Store bales end-to-end, in continued from page 11 plants can contain or produce
prussic acid and can possess
Research from past studies rows, facing in a northwest to the lab to confirm what guide- toxic levels at maturity. Prus-
shows outdoor storage losses southeastern direction when- lines they suggest and that sic acid poisoning can be as-
range from 5-35%, this can ever possible. they are still doing the test. sociated with new regrowth
be reduced by 2/3 with indoor •Space adjacent lines at Plant age affects toxic- following a drought-ending
storage and be reduced by least 10 feet apart. ity. Young, rapidly growing rain. Rain after drought plus
50% with good plastic cover- •Stacking bales usually plants of species that con- young stages of plant maturi-
ing outdoors. increase losses. tain cyanogenic glucosides ty can combine to cause toxic
Recommendations for •Locate bale rows away will have the highest levels levels of prussic acid in forag-
Storage Techniques from fences and fields and of prussic acid. Pure stands of es.
•Make a dense bale: It it is recommended to cover Indiangrass (a native prairie Fertility can affect poi-
will shed more precipita- hay if keeping more than one grass) can have lethal levels soning risk. Plants growing
tion, sag less, and have less of cyanide if they are grazed under high nitrogen levels or
surface area to absorb mois- Drovers when the plants are less than in soils deficient in phospho-
ture. By using net wrap, you 8 inches tall. rus or potassium will be more
will reduce bale Species with prussic likely to have high prussic
sag and main- acid poisoning potential. acid poisoning potential.
tain bale shape. Forage species that can con- Fresh forage has more
In addition, net tain prussic acid after frost risk. After frost damage, cy-
wrap makes a are listed below in decreasing anide levels will likely be
tight, smooth order of toxicity risk: higher in fresh forage as com-
surface that will •Grain sorghum = high to pared with silage or hay that
resist weather- very high toxic potential is wilted in the field. This is
ing, insects, and •Indiangrass = high toxic because cyanide is a gas and
rodents. potential dissipates as the forage is
•Store bales •Sorghum-sudangrass hy- wilted and dried for making
on a well-drained brids (“sudax”) and forage silage or dry hay.
location with a sorghums = intermediate to Prussic Acid Toxicity
4–6-inch coarse high potential Symptoms
rock base that Photo-Troy Walz •Sudangrass hybrids = in- Animals can die within
will minimize Baled forage constitutes the highest percentage of winter termediate potential minutes if they consume for-
bottom spoilage. feed cost we have wrapped up in a cow. •Sudangrass varieties = age with high concentrations
low to intermediate in cya- of prussic acid. Prussic acid
Show-Me-Select nide poisoning potential interferes with oxygen trans-
•Piper sudangrass = low
Replacement prussic acid poisoning poten- fer in the blood stream of the
animal, causing it to die of
Heifer Sale •Pearl millet and foxtail asphyxiation. Before death,
symptoms include excess sal-
150 Crossbred & Purebred Spring-Calving Heifers millet = rarely cause toxicity ivation, difficult breathing,
Species not usually plant-
Friday, November 18, 2022 at 7 PM ed for agronomic use can also staggering, convulsions, and
Joplin Regional Stockyards develop toxic levels of prussic Ruminants are more sus-
acid, including the following:
I-44 East of Carthage, MO at Exit 22 •Johnsongrass ceptible to prussic acid poi-
Video preview and sale may be viewed at •Shattercane soning than horses or swine
On-line bidding and approval must be arranged in advance along with bank approval. •Chokecherry because cud chewing and
To create an account go to www.joplinstockyards click on Live Auction then register and fill out rumen bacteria help release
banking information. At least 4 days prior to sale. Any questions and/or approval call 417-548-2333 •Black cherry
and ask for Dustin, Misti, or Clay. •Elderberry the cyanide from plant tissue.
•NOTICE: New JRS in-person buyers should bring •About 35% are black, 40% are black whiteface, It is always a good idea to
a letter of preapproval from their bank when 25% are red Grazing Precautions
registering prior to the sale •Many are synchronized and AI bred. A few Tier check areas where wild cher- Against Nitrate & Prussic
• Breeds & crosses include: Angus, Gelbvieh, Red II and Show-Me-Plus heifers are in the offering. ry trees grow after a storm Acid Poisoning
Angus, SimAngus, & Hereford. Primarily See catalog for details. and pick up and discard any
crossbreds with a few purebreds. The following guidelines
Program Requirements: fallen limbs to prevent an- will help you avoid danger to
◊ Heifers have met minimum standards for reproductive soundness, pelvic size, body imals from grazing on the your livestock this fall when
condition and weight and are free of blemishes. leaves and twigs. feeding species with nitrates
◊ Heifers bred to bulls meeting strict calving ease or birth weight EPD requirements. Frost affects toxicity.
◊ A strict immunization program has been followed including official Brucellosis calfhood or prussic acid poisoning po-
vaccination. Heifers are tested and found negative for PI BVD. Cyanogenic glucosides are tential:
◊ Heifers will calve from February to April 30 and were preg checked within 30 days of the sale. converted quickly to prussic •Do not graze on nights
Consignors Include acid (i.e., hydrogen cyanide) in when frost is likely. High lev-
David & Danise Cummings, Sarcoxie Mast Farms, Lamar freeze-damaged plant tissues. els of toxic prussic acid are
Hunter Lane Cattle Co., Pierce City Nolan Kleiboeker Farm LLC, Wentworth
Broken S Land & Cattle LLC, Aurora Kunkel Farms Red Angus, Neosho Prussic acid poisoning po- produced within hours after
Robert Miller, Aurora tential is most common after
Weber Cattle, Lamar a frost, even if it was a light
Dichotomy Cattle Co., Rocky Comfort the first autumn frost. New frost.
John Wheeler, Marionville growth from frosted plants is
Kathy Wheeler, Marionville •Do not graze after a kill-
palatable but can be danger- ing frost until plants are dry,
FOR MORE INFORMATION: ously high in prussic acid. which usually takes 5 to 7
Patrick Davis 417-276-3313 • Andy McCorkill 417-345-7551 Drought stress can af- days.
Sponsored by: Missouri “Show-Me-Select” Replacement Heifers, Inc., Division of Animal Sciences, Southwest Missouri Beef Cattle fect prussic acid poison- •After a non-killing frost,
Improvement Association in cooperation with University of Missouri Extension, College of Veterinary Medicine, Missouri Cattlemen's
Association and Missouri Department of Agriculture. ing risk. Drought-stunted do not allow animals to graze