Page 14 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 14

PRECONDITIONING                    ducer retaining ownership and                          The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P14
      continued from page 7              to  a  buyer  purchasing  cattle   along with practicality. Ques- in deciding if preconditioning
                                         for placement in a feedlot. Re-    tions producers need to ask  is something to include in your
      Benefits                           searchers in  Texas evaluated      themselves include:               program.
         Preconditioning has benefits  feedlot closeouts and found          - Do I have the pasture or pen
      for those looking to sell their  that calves that had been pre-        space to keep calves an extra  The Bottom Line
      calves and to those retaining  conditioned for 45 days or lon-         45 days or more?                    Preconditioning is not a one
      ownership. On average, pre- ger had:                                  - What does my feed               size fits all program. Produc-
      conditioning can cost the pro- -7.2 % improved feed efficiency         availability look like?          ers need to find the precondi-
      ducer $35 to $60 dollars per  - $29.47 per head lower                 - Can my facilities handle        tioning program that best fits
      head. This number is subject to      medicine cost                     bunk breaking calves?            their operation.  This includes
      change due to a variety of fac- - 3.1 % lower death loss               Do I have the equipment          examining labor needs, vacci-
      tors; however, this is a general                                       available?                       nation costs, feed availability,
      cost to expect. The increase in       Oklahoma researchers found      - Can I handle the increase       and space. There are many pre-
      input cost can result in a pre- that preconditioned calves had         in labor and the extra time      conditioning programs that are
      mium received at the sale barn.  a 22.4 and 2.9 percent lower          commitment?                      certified at the sale barn. Sale
      These premiums are variable.  morbidity and death loss re-            - Can I handle the extra          barns and video auction plat-
      Previous research indicates a  spectively when compared to             costs that come with             forms  have  different  ways  of
      range of $3 to $5 per hundred- calves with little to no health         preconditioning?                 reporting vaccination and pre-
      weight (abbreviated as cwt),  management history.                                                       conditioning status. Talk with
      but premiums of as high as $8                                           Depending on the answers        your local sale barn or video
      per cwt have been reported.        Considerations                     to these questions, precondi-     auction provider to determine
         Promotion of calf growth           Preconditioning is not a “one   tioning may be an economical      the process they follow or if
      and improved health status  size fits all” for operations. The        option for a producer.  A re-     they  offer  a  special  precondi-
      are benefits both to the pro- benefits need to be considered          view done by F. A. Thrift found   tioned calf sale.
                                                                            that return on preconditioned        Additionally,  building  rap-
      LIFE                               and stack the hay in the old       calves sold ranged from -$89.92   port with buyers by providing
                                                                                                              high-quality calves may result
      continued from page 5              chap’s lean-to barn,  pulled       to $53.71 per calf. The decision   in return buyers more willing
                                                                            should not be taken lightly and
         When I asked him if he  home my new purchase, and                  should be discussed thoroughly    to  pay  higher  prices  knowing
      would sell it to me for $0.50  paid my dad $30.00 for the             to evaluate the pros and cons     the level of care that goes into
      per bale, he replied, “I like to  fifty bales of hay. I could tell    that may be experienced. The      the animals. As always, consult
      see you dickering, but no, it’s  that Dad was less than im-           seasonal  patterns  of  the  cat-  with your local veterinarian to
      $0.60 firm.”                       pressed with my tractor, but,      tle market and price slides on    determine the best vaccines to
         The next day, on my bicycle,  nonetheless, he helped me            heavier calves also need to be    utilize for your herd and geo-
      I rode up to the elderly man’s  clean it up, change the oil,          included in the conversation      graphical area.
      place and checked out the old  plugs, and points, and even-
      tractor. It was a crank-type, so  tually  get  it  running…..for  a
      I quickly discerned that the  while.
      engine was not frozen. I also              Intermittently, the old
      borrowed the old man’s hand  machine ran approximate-
      pump and inflated all four  ly ten hours over the next
      tires, and could hear no hiss- several months, until I sadly
      ing. Thinking that I possessed  surrendered and parked it be-
      some mechanical skills, I of- side one of our barns, where it
      fered the guy 50 bales of my  sat and resumed rusting and
      newly purchased hay for his  collecting dust. My dad held
      tractor, and much to my sur- a  farm  auction a few  years
      prise, he accepted—if I agreed  later, when I was off at college,
      to deliver it.                     and sold the  Allis-Chalmers,
         Over the next day and a  Model B….again for $30.00.
      half, I borrowed my dad’s trac-
      tor and hay trailer to deliver

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          Saturday, December 1, 2023 • 10 AM

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    Heartland Highland Cattle
      Association & Registry
    Open Registry for Foundation Highlands
   For more info and a free information packet
    417.345.0575 or text 417.733.3201
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