Page 37 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 37

The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P37
      muddy treatment pens the  the entire pen was cleaned  additional rainfall to create  ments. This is interesting as
      shelter floor was either wood  twice throughout the entire  wet feedlot pens. Irrigated  cattle shifted their lying lo-
      or mud. It was observed that  feeding period. Interesting- and natural precipitation av- cation to compensate for the
      cattle in muddy pens chose  ly, while pens and animal  eraged 0.17 inches over the  muddy conditions. This may
      to stand on the wooden floor  hide cleanliness scores were  62 days when precipitation  also be an indication that
      under the shelter 73% of the  better for the pens of cattle  was applied during the 109- these cattle became reluc-
      time observed compared with  that were cleaned twice, no  day study. Average pen mud  tant to move further away
      only 3% for pens with mud  differences were observed for  depth scores increased over  from the feed bunk in their
      under the shelters. During  feedlot  performance. These  time for the unbedded steers  muddy pen.
      this experiment, muddy pens  results may indicate that  (up to 23.6 inches for some),                      Unfortunately for many
      reduced ADG by 35.5% com- cleaning of pens didn’t occur  while mud scores for pens  cattle  producers,  the  timing
      pared with concrete pens,  frequently enough, pens were  with steers receiving 11 lbs./ of the muddy season over-
      but only 12% in muddy pens  not designed to drain appro- square foot/day woodchips  laps calving season. Nickles
      where cattle could escape the  priately, soil type may have  only began to increase slight- and others from  The Ohio
      mud and stand on the wood- been conducive to producing  ly the last three weeks of the  State University presented
      en floor.                          mud,  or the straw bedding  study. Steers bedded with  some work published in the
         The frequency of pen  mitigated treatment differ- 11 or 22 lbs./square foot/day  Journal of  Animal Science
      cleaning can also have an  ences.                                     woodchips had greater ADG  investigating the effects of
      effect on the amount of mud           Another     cattle    feeding than steers with no bedding  a muddy pen environment
      or manure that accumulates.  study  conducted  in  Austra- and resulted in greater final  on the energy requirements
      A study by Neville and oth- lia by Cowley and others  body weights and great- of cows and first calf heif-
      ers from North Dakota, pub- was published in Meat &  er feed efficiency, since dry  ers during gestation. Cows
      lished in Livestock Science  Livestock Australia  Limit- matter intake did not differ.  and heifers were housed in-
      journal compared the feedlot  ed to determine the impacts  Steer behavior was different  dividually in pens that were
      performance of steers in open  of woodchip bedding in wet  between the treatments and  either unbedded (9.3 inch-
      dirt  pens that  were cleaned  feedlot  conditions. Yearling  changed over time as well.  es of mud) or bedded with
      with different frequency over  beef steers were placed in  After the initial five weeks  woodchips/sawdust                        during
      the  course  of  195  days  (Oc- pens either without wood- of the study, steers without  the last trimester of gesta-
      tober to May). All pens were  chips, 11 pounds per square  bedding  increased  their  fre- tion. Cows and heifers were
      provided with fresh straw  foot of woodchips per day, or  quency of lying down at the  matched up across treat-
      bedding weekly. Pens were ei- 22 pounds per square foot  front of the pen as opposed to  ments so feed delivery was
      ther not cleaned, the concrete  of woodchips per day. Sprin- the middle or back compared
      aprons were cleaned twice, or  klers were used  to provide  with steers in bedded treat-                              continued on page 38

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