Page 36 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 36

The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P36
        Don’t Let the Performance of Your Cattle Get Stuck in the Mud

                 By Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist, OSU Extension

         Muddy pen conditions  kind of stress does mud have
      can decrease animal per- on cattle?
      formance by increasing                The combination of mud
      the energy demands of  and manure accumulation
      the animal and cause a  presents a list of potential
      reduction in hide cleanli- problems for cattle producers.
      ness of the animal.                Extra energy is required by
         Tis  the season! No, not  the animals to walk through
      that season, mud season. For  mud, whether to the feed
      many cattle producers across  bunk, water tank, or bedding
      the United States the spring  pack.  This extra  energy de-
      and fall months often bring  mand  can impact cattle be-
      about the dread  of muddy  havior and their willingness
      pens or lots. This is especially  to move throughout different
      true in parts of the U.S. that  areas of the pen.
      receive greater levels of pre-        Increased mud and ma-
      cipitation in the form of rain  nure affect animal clean-
      and/or snowmelt. In addition,  liness and the insulative
      animal stocking density, soil  properties of their hair coat,
      type, and ground drainage  which then require addition-               operations are dirty udders  a  three  year  period  by  Mor-
      also influence the severity of  al energy to stay warm. For           that could spread disease  rison and others, that was
      mud challenges. Many  of us  fed cattle being raised for              and compromise the health  published in a 1970 Cali-
      can relate to the struggles  beef, this presents potential            of young nursing calves and  fornia Agriculture  Bulletin,
      of walking through the mud  food safety concerns from car-            cause calf losses.                reported a reduced average
      and  trying  not  to  lose  our  cass contamination from the            Some research has been  daily gain (ADG) and feed
      rubber  boots to the  suction- hide  during  slaughter  and           conducted using artificial- efficiency by cattle in muddy
      ing force that challenges us  reduced dressing percentag-             ly made mud to determine  pens compared with concrete
      with  each step.  What  about  es with increased mud/tag              the impact of mud on cattle  pens that were cleaned week-
      the cows and calves?   What  scores. Concerns for cow/calf            growth and feedlot perfor- ly. During one of the years,
                                                                            mance. Data collected over  shelters were offered and in

                                                                                                                50th ANNUAL
                                                                                                           PRODUCTION SALE
                                                                                                            Tuesday, March 7, 2023
                                                                                                                1:00  p.m. CST
                                                                                                             At the ranch located eight
                                                                                                          miles north and one mile west of
                                                                                                                Guide Rock, Nebraska

                                                                                • 40 Powerful Beef Business 2yr Old Bulls

                                                                              • 33 Heifers , 2 years old bred for spring calves

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                                   • Ten Models - For a few animals or for the largest feedyards

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           SoMo Agri Supply - Springfield, MO • 800-725-1880                      Guide Rock, NE 68942
           Central Missouri Feed & Supply - 2707 W Rt F • Clark, MO • 573-881-1798  Phone: (402) 756-3462
           OR SEE AN MFA DEALER                                                 Cell Phone: (402) 746-4378     This sale will be broadcast live on the internet
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