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Beef producers: 'Get your                                                                The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P40

          house in order' in 2023

         Beef producers should approach 2023 with cautious optimism

         Beef producers should ap-          This will be the fourth con-
      proach  2023 with cautious  secutive year of fewer beef
      optimism – matched with res- cows in production. Missouri
      olutions of good management  lost 6% of its cow numbers
      and investment in infrastruc- from January 2021 to Jan-
      ture, says University of Mis- uary 2022, according to the
      souri Extension agriculture  USDA  National Agricultural
      business  specialist Wesley  Statistics Service. U.S. num-
      Tucker.                            bers mirror declines in other
         Optimistically, beef con- countries.                               ter capacity problems and  poly feeder rings compared to
      tinues to be in favor with            Drought, high feed and          even global issues like the  sheeted rings. Modified cone
      U.S. consumers, and export  input costs, and lingering                Russian-Ukraine conflict and  rings had far less waste.
      demand remains solid, says  supply chain issues will like-            higher diesel prices – can un-       • Invest in soil tests. Soil
      Tucker. However, risks of per- ly push this number even               expectedly affect the produc- tests help producers spend
      sistent drought, global trade  lower in 2023.                         er’s bottom line.                 their fertilizer dollars where
      issues, high input costs and          The 2022 drought put a            During most droughts, the  they will get the greatest
      concerns of inflation and re- bull’s-eye on southwestern              price of feed goes up, but pric- return. Carefully evaluate
      cession all have the potential  Missouri, the state’s biggest         es  go back  to normal when  whether it makes better fi-
      to take a bite out of profits.     cattle-producing region. Hay       conditions improve. However,  nancial sense to fertilize and
         For the past eight years,  and forage supplies  dwin-              input costs – equipment, die- invest in improved forages or
      meat production has contin- dled, pushing up prices for               sel, fertilizer, and labor – like- buy supplemental feed.
      ued a steady growth of more  feed inputs.                             ly won’t go down anytime soon        • Good grass means green
      supply, but, thankfully, strong       Drought pushed already          simply because the drought  bucks.  Consider who earns
      demand       from    consumers falling hay production num-            goes away. “If your operation  the most consuming your
      pushed prices higher. Tucker  bers even lower. In the past            is highly dependent on these  grass – cows or their calves?
      says meat supply growth will  20 years, producers have de-            inputs, profit margins may  Keeping a few less cows and
      slow and actually go down,  voted fewer acres to hay and              evaporate quickly despite  grazing their calves longer in
      leading to even higher prices  more to crops. Other factors –         higher receipts,” Tucker says. times of high grain prices can
      on the horizon in 2023.            such as supply chain slaugh-         “Now  is  the  time  to get  reap nice rewards. “We’ve all
                                                                            your house in order,” he says.  heard the saying, ‘Grass sells
                                                                            Tucker gives these tips to  better wrapped in calf hide                                                                                 6  1  0  1  0  2  , 0  3   r e   b  m    e t p   e S   n a    m    e l t t a C   t s e    w   d i M    e  h   T
                                                                            BSE Clinic Time
                                                                                                              than cowhide or, especially,
                                                                            combat changing markets.
                                                                              • Consider herd man- a bale of hay,’”  Tucker says.
 cattle feeders concrete tanker fence                                       agement practices. Is early  Flexible stocking rates gives
                                                                            By Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension
                                                                            weaning an option to reduce  producers more options in
               cattle feeders concrete tanker fence
                                                                            feed needs? Practices  such
                                                                             Has your bull had a breeding  unstable markets.
                                                                                                                We’ve  scheduled  four  clinics  of  cows  keep  coming  back  in  progeny differences (EPDs) and
               line tank stock freeze-proof pond tank
 line tank stock freeze-proof pond tank                                     as pregnancy checks, sorting       completely  examined,  given  ward signs of trich in the bull  is on your mind. Ed Trotter with
                 THIS AIN'T
                                                                            soundness  exam  (BSE) since  where  you  can  get  your  bulls  heat.  There  are  no  other  out-
                                                                                                                                                                                    breeding programs or whatever
                                                                            you pulled him from the breed- bers.  Put wheels under poor
                                                                            into groups based on nutri-
                  NO BULL!
               united stated midwest www.thecon-
                                                                                                               parasite control treatment and  or cow for that matter.
                                                                            tional need and strategic cull-
 united stated midwest www.thecon-                                          ing pasture this summer? Fer- performers. Less is more                                                  Pfizer will be at some of the clin-
                                                                            tility and breeding ability can  vaccinated and be ready to turn
                                                                                                                                                                                    ics  with  information  on  their
                                                                            ing will reap big dividends  when there is less to go
        ›› Concrete Cattle Feeders
                                                                                                               out  if  everything  checks  out
                                                                            this winter.                                                             fluctuate in bulls from year-to-   around. Avoid  overstocking,         Here are the dates and loca-     DNA evaluation program.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Call the above veterinary of-
                                                                            year  and  season-to-season.  If  okay. In addition, if you’d like,  tions of our fall clinics.
                                                                              • Compare hay feeders. Re- which  limits options, espe-
        ›› Super-Tanker Fence Line
                                                                            you’ve preg checked your cows  they can check your bull for the
                                                                                                                                                                                    fices for your appointment time.
            Freeze-Proof Stock Tank                                         search by former MU Exten- cially during tighter markets.              October 11 - Barry County Vet  Of course, there’s a limit to the
                                                                            and found several open, it just  sexually  transmitted  disease,
                                                                            sion beef specialist Justin
                                                                                                              MU Extension
                                                                            might  be  cause  to  check  him  trichomoniasis. Trich is on the  Services, Cassville                  number of bulls the clinics can
                                                                            Sexten  showed nearly  dou-
        ›› Freeze-Proof Pond Tank                                           out.                               rise in this part of the world. It’s   Contact: Dr. Voyd Brown, 847-  accept so you may need to pick a
                                                                            ble the waste with open and
                                                                                                               suspected when a large number  2677                                  different time and/or a different
        ›› Delivery in the Cont. U.S.                                                                                                                                               veterinarian. It’s just important
                                                                                                                                                   October 12 - Kent Veterinary  to have your bulls checked out.
                                                                             Buffalo Livestock Market                                            Clinic, Billings                    A survey of cow-calf farms in
                         Approx.                                                                                                                   Contact Dr. Harvey Kent, 744-    24 states in 2008 showed that
       Reader Service No. 2163 SOLD!                                           Special   Cattle Sale                      Special     Sheep      2222                               about 25% do a semen evalua-
                                                                                                                                                                                    tion on their bulls before turn-
                                                                              Vaccinated   Every         Watch our      Stock Cow    Goat Sale     October 13 - Dake Veterinary  out. I doubt if we’re that high
            BUILT FOR RANCHERS                                                  Cattle    12:00 Noon  & Bull Sale            Clinic, Miller                     in  southwest  Missouri.  The
                                                                                                        sale live on the
                                                                                                          Internet at
                                                                                                                                                                                    October BSE clinics in the past
                                                                                                                                                   Contact: Dr. Chuck Dake, 452-
                      BY RANCHERS
                                            Each Month  Selling all classes           3rd Tuesday  4th Tuesday  3301                              few years have found more prob-
                                                                               2nd Sat. of
                                7-6-18 Plains
                                                                                                                                                                                    lems with bulls than the clinics
                                                                                            of cattle
                                                                                                                                                   October 14 - Countryside Ani-
                                                                                                                                                                                    in  March.  Hot  weather  could
 Reader Service No. 2163                                                          Lyle Caselman - Owner-Manager: 417-345-7876 • Mobile: 417-533-2944  mal Clinic, Aurora            be more of a problem than cold
                                                                                                                                                                                    when it comes to bull fertility. It
                                                                                                                                                   Contact: Dr. Mike Bloss, 678-
                                                                                      Leon Caselman - Owner: 417-345-4514 • Mobile: 417-588-6185  4011                              could even be from fescue toxins
           THE CONCRETE WORKS LLC                                                           Call Lyle or Leon to find out what we can do for you:                                   consumed or a combination of
                                                                                                                                                   Besides the BSE, I will be at  factors.
                             877-464-7575                                        Danny Cross 417-576-5461 • John Sanwald 417-588-9113 • Bobby Cole 573-674-3131   the clinics to answer questions,
                                                           Barn 417-345-8122                                   discuss  bull  sales,  expected
                 7-6-18 Plains
                                                                                                                        Green Springs
                                                                                                         Performance & Efficiency Tested
                                                                                                  BULL SALE                                                                90 BULLS
                                                                                                                                                                              200 on test
                                                                                                      Sunday, Nov. 21st, 1:00 P.m.                                        Selected from over
                                                                                                         at Mo-Kan Livestock, Butler, MO                                    8 Breeds
                                                                                                                                                                          Large Genetic Pool
                                                                                                   “Only the best
                                                                                                   pass the test”
                                                                                                                         • ANGUS • GELBVIEH  •  LIMOUSIN •
                                                                                                                               • LIMFLEX • SIMMENTAL •
                                                                                                                              • BRAUNVIEH • HEREFORD •
                                                                                                                                   Call 448-7416 for information
                                                                                                                                                & sale Catalog

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