Page 42 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 42

The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P42
      Product-Market Fit and Taking the Random

      Out of Production By Dr. Les Anderson, Beef Extension Professor, University of Kentucky
         “Now, after 25 years, I un- don’t think of their opera- time to help assemble bigger  the costs of production by
      derstand a little better.”         tions as a small business.  marketing groups. Limiting  implementing quality forage
         I received an email last  Successful small businesses  the calving season also im- and grazing programs.
      week about receiving an  plan and analyze their busi- proves labor and production                          The last tool to use to re-
      award for 25 years of ser- ness to control as many vari- efficiency. Second, control  duce  “randomness” of pro-
      vice to Extension. It seems  ables as possible. They avoid  genetics.  The best method  duction is record keeping and
      like yesterday when I rolled  “random” because random  to control genetics is to  AI  using the data to help drive
      down to Lexington to start  is the opposite of predict- because of its flexibility. Es- production decisions. Beef
      this new career. One of my  able. Small businesses need  trus synchronization and AI  cattle  producers  are  great
      most vivid memories was the  a predictable product to help  requires planning and a lit- note takers but not very good
      first UK Beef IRM Commit- achieve product-market fit.  tle labor but the short- and  at producing reports and
      tee meeting.  The IRM com- The  phrase “product-mar- long-term impact on profit- using  this  data  to  drive  de-
      mittee had just finished the  ket fit” is used routinely in  ability are well established.  cisions. Collecting and using
      analysis of a huge survey  the business world  and it  Use of this technology also  production data clinches the
      of beef producers.  The only  indicates when a business’s  enables producers to control  nail on predictability and,
      question that stuck in my  product addresses and solves  the gender of the calf. Steers  with these other tools, can re-
      mind was “Why do you own  the needs of its buyers or the  typically are $150-200 more  duce the randomness of pro-
      beef cows?”. I thought the an- market. Perhaps in the beef  valuable at marketing than  duction as much as possible.
      swer would be easy; to make  industry, we can redefine this  heifers so removing the ran-                  Managing a cattle opera-
      money. But the number one  as “Does our product match  domness of gender can help  tion for profit is a challenge.
      response was “because I like  how we are marketing our  improve profitability. Imag- One cooperator I had in the
      cows”. “To make money” was  cattle?”                                  ine managing a 30-cow herd  UK IRM Farm Program made
      the  number three  reason of          Random is the norm for  and having 24 steers born  a statement that really reso-
      those surveyed.                    production in the beef cattle  within a 30-day period. Not  nates with me. This producer
         At the time, honestly, I was  industry. More than half of  only is this possible but beef  went from a 340-day calv-
      stunned. Now, after 25 years,  beef operations simply turn  producers in Kentucky are al- ing season with no plan to a
      I understand a little better.  a bull out with a set of cows  ready doing this. One of them  well-oiled machine that prof-
      The beef business may be  and let them calve whenever  said “If I am going to stick a  its even in difficult markets
      one of the few where profit  they want. These operations  straw in them, I may as well  and/or high input costs. He
      is likely not the driving fac- sell cattle a few at a time and  stick a straw in that will  said, “My time is worth more
      tor of ownership.  A roman- normally sell singles. Selling  make me money!”. Very true.  than  money. Now  I make
      ticism  exists  in  agriculture  singles can help pay some  Reducing “random” suddenly  twice as much and spend half
      about beef production and/or  bills but it is not a marketing  makes marketing easier and  the time!”. How did he do it?
      ranching. But can’t we make  plan, and it does not help pro- profit more attainable.                    He removed randomness and
      money and “like cows” at the  ducers maximize the value to              Controlling the calving  improved his product-market
      same time? Profit is possible  their product. It doesn’t help  season and genetics sets the  fit. One last comment.  This
      in the beef industry if pro- you profit.                              table. Profitable beef cattle  producer had cows because
      ducers reorganize the way             How can we decrease the  small business owners also  he liked cows. Now he likes
      they think about their beef  “randomness” of production?  control the quality of the  them quite a bit more!
      cattle operation.                  First, control the calving sea- product  (health  and  nutri-
         The IRM survey suggests  son. Limit your cows to calv- tion programs) and minimize
      that most beef producers  ing over shorter  periods of

                                                                            AMERICAN                          Quality Grade: USDA
                                                                            continued from page 39            Yield Grade: 3
                                                                            ipants  –  Boehler  Gelbvieh,     Owned By: Boehler Gelbvieh
                                                                            Flying H Genetics, Grund          Sired By: SB Shootout 725
                                                                            Beef Genetics, Lucky Cross
                                                                            Ranch, and  Wilkinson Gelb-          Congratulations to all the
                                                                            vieh – each donated $1,000 to     2022 Scale and Rail Contest
                                                                            the AGF.                          and  Steer  Challenge  cham-
                                                                                                              pions and  thank you to ev-
                                                                            Champion Average Daily            eryone who participated in
                                                                            Gain                              the contest. To view complete
                                                                            Tag: 718                          results and learn more about
                                                                            Average Daily Gain: 5.04          the contests, visit https://
                                         • Featuring ‘        Program’      pounds                  
                                            Cattle  Weekly                  Quality Grade: USDA               ects.
                                                                                   Choice                        The American  Gelbvieh
                                         • DVAuction Service for convenient   Yield Grade: 3
                                            online  viewing & bidding       Owned By: Boehler Gelbvieh        Foundation secures, grows,
                                                                                                              and responsibly distributes
                 Vienna, Mo 65582  Selling All Classes of Cattle Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.  Sired By: SB Shootout 725  assets for research, member
            For more information: Ross Patton  573-308-6657 • Bill Patton   573-308-6658                      education, and youth devel-
                   • David Patton – 573-308-6655 •                          Champion Carcass Value            opment to sustain and grow
             Visit our website at • or E-mail us at:  Tag: 718        Gelbvieh genetics.
                                                                            Carcass Value: $2,429.06
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