Page 38 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 38

The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P38
        Use Calving Pasture Rotation to Prevent Disease Spread

                         By Lisa Moser, K-State Research and Extension news service
         As cows begin calving,  born calves, said Bob Larson,  old                 enough
      K-State experts advise  K-State veterinarian.                         to be co-min-
      moving the pregnant cows              “A newborn calf’s worst  gled with the
      to new pastures every few  enemy from a germ stand- others in the
      weeks to reduce disease  point is a calf that is a few  herd, accord-
      spread among the new- weeks old because those older  ing to veteri-
      borns.                             calves shed more germs that  narian Brian
         The  old saying that  “an  cause scours,” Larson said.             Lubbers.
      ounce of prevention is worth          To reduce the exposure be-        “This      al-
      a pound of cure” is one that  tween newborns and calves  lows                     the
      commonly refers to the im- that are few weeks old, Lar- calves to be
      portance of reducing the risk  son and the other experts  born on the
      for disease spread.                recommend following the  cleanest  pas-
         And in the case of beef  Sandhills Calving System  tures,                      and
      cattle scours, where cows  that was developed through  then once a
      calve has a lot to do with  University of Nebraska re- certain                   per-
      how well the newborns can  search done years ago in the  centage of the herd has                        mission, so by having a fence
      stay healthy in the first few  Sandhills.                             calved, those cows that are       between the calving groups,
      weeks of life, say the experts        “The Sandhills Calving  still pregnant move to a new              most  of  the  risk  for  scours
      at Kansas State University’s  System is one of the most im- pasture,” Lubbers said.                     passing through the groups
      Beef Cattle Institute.             pactful interventions that we        Larson said the goal of each    of calves is minimal.
         Veterinary experts out- have for calf scours,” Larson  herd  following  this  system                    Regarding the timing of
      lined how calf diarrhea, also  said.                                  would be to move the preg-        bringing all the spring calves
      known as scours, can be a             In  this system, cows  that  nant cows away from cows             together in the same pasture
      serious issue in newborn  are heavy in their pregnancy  that have already calved at                     with their dams, the veter-
      calves but one that can be  are moved to  new pastures  least three times from the                      inarians agreed that when
      minimized  by  rotating  the  every 2-3 weeks, and once  start to the end of the calving                the youngest calves are six
      pastures where the cows  they calve, they stay in the  season.                                          weeks of age the greatest risk
      calve. Scours can lead to de- same pastures where they                  “After cows have been calv-     from scours is passed and it
      hydration and death in new- gave birth until the calves are  ing for two or three weeks,                is safe to bring the herd to-
                                                                            move the pregnant  cows to        gether again.
                                                                            a new pasture and do that            “Make sure the last pas-
                                                                            again after the next two to       ture they go to as a group
                                                                            three weeks of calving,” Lar-     is not one that was used for
                                                                            son said.                         calving earlier in the season
                                                                              Lubbers added that the          so that they are all being
                                                                            bacteria and viruses that         moved to a clean pasture,”
                                                                            cause scours are spread           Lubbers said.
                                                                            through fecal to oral trans-

                                                                            DON’T LET                         University Extension recom-
                                                                            continued from page 38            mends that producers con-
                                                                                                              sider management practices
                                                                            similar and designed to meet  for your operation that allow
                                                                            the animal’s maintenance re- your cattle a place to es-
                                                                            quirements. After the study,  cape from muddy conditions
                                                                            cows in unbedded pens were  and lie down in a cleaner
                                                                            82 pounds lighter and heifers  and drier environment. Cat-
                                                                            in unbedded pens were 96  tle forced to deal with mud
                                                                            pounds lighter than bedded  have increased net energy
                                                                            cows and heifers.  This loss  demands to maintain and in-
                                                                            in body weight for cows and  crease their body weight. The
                                                                            heifers  that were  housed in  energy demands are likely to
                                                                            muddy unbedded pens cor- increase with the increasing
                                                                            responds to an increased en- severity of muddy conditions,
                                                                            ergy  demand  of  3.9  and  4.3  as well as other weather-re-
                                                                            megacalories/day, respective- lated factors such as low
                                                                            ly. While the energy demands  temperatures, rain, snow,
                                                                            of a pregnant cow increases  and wind. If cattle are unable
                                                                            6.5 megacalories/day from  to escape muddy conditions
                                                                            the initiation of gestation to  on your operation, consider
                                                                            calving, mud may increase  supplying additional ener-
                                                                            the energy demands of the  gy in the diet to compensate
                                                                            cow even further if subjected  for the increased energy de-
                                                                            to muddy pen conditions.          mands from mud.
                                                                              Managing mud  can be  a
                                                                            challenge.  Michigan State
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