Page 34 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 34

Don’t Restrict Energy This Winter                                                         The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P34

       By Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist, OSU Extension
         Are you having trouble  to a point where she will breed            still overpriced when you con-
      keeping body condition on  back in a timely fashion.                  sider dry matter lost.
      grazing livestock? Do you             How do we address this lack       Tubs – Too often in these
      have heifers or ewe lambs  of energy in a pasture-based               instances  I’ve  seen  tubs  re-
      that struggle getting rebred?  system?           Supplementation      lied on as a cure-all. Look at
      If so, there is a good chance      in some form or fashion is         the analysis of a tub and the
      that a lack of available energy  the most likely response, but        ingredients and then com-
      in your pasture or ration may  supplement strategies vary             pare the cost. Tubs may have
      be the culprit.                    greatly in effectiveness and       a place in stocker situations     Ohio State looking at the
         I have these types of dis- cost.                                   providing weaned calves with  supplemental energy require-
      cussions with producers fair-         Additional  forage, AKA         some protein, but consider- ments of third trimester bred
      ly often, and usually (not  Hay – This strategy can work              ing the cost and energy pro- heifers in muddy conditions
      always)  supplementing  ad- depending on the class of an-             vided, they are likely not cost  vs those in dry conditions
      ditional energy into the diet  imal and quality of the hay. A         effective in providing sup- demonstrated that only 2.5
      seems to aid in rectifying the  high quality, 2nd or 3rd cut-         plemental energy to grazing  pounds of corn was needed to
      situation.                         ting, well-kept round bale of      livestock.  Also, not all tubs  maintain  body  condition.  At
         As managers we must re- hay can often meet the needs               are created equal. To a degree  $7/bushel corn that is a cost
      member that livestock uti- of mature animals of the herd.             you get what you pay for.         of $.25 cents per head per day,
      lize nutrients in waste not,  In the case of the thin, first            Grain – Pound for pound  still very cost effective when
      want not hierarchy. Think of  calf heifer, unless  the  hay is        supplementing grain, typi- compared to longer breeding
      an order of operations where  of exceptional quality it might         cally whole shelled corn is a  intervals and open cows.
      Maintenance  >  Development  keep her belly full but is un-           cost effective and efficient         Bottom line – Supplemen-
      > Growth > Lactation > Re- likely to get her to a desired             way to supplement energy in  tal energy is often needed to
      production > Fattening.            body condition.                    a grazing operation. Once we  maintain grazing livestock
         Therefore, an animal that          Don’t guess. Forage test!       know the energy requirement  through a typical winter. Con-
      is not maintaining body con- Hay quality varies tremen-               of our livestock, we can calcu- sider cost and energy density
      dition is less likely to repro- dously from farm to farm.             late pounds of corn per head  of  feedstuffs  when  making
      duce.  That  first  calf  heifer  Consider dry matter losses          per  day.  In  most  instances  the decision to supplement
      that is thin at weaning, still  when buying hay. That year-           it doesn’t take much corn to  animals on pasture.
      has a requirement for growth  old bale that has sat uncov-            supplement the needed bal-
      and development before we  ered in a fence row some-                  ance of energy.
      ever think about getting her  where, no matter the cost is              Research      conducted     at

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