Page 32 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 32

FROST SEEDING                                                                             The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P32
      continued from page 29             is being broadcast or imme- lespedeza is a warm-season  ometer. Using a portable GPS
      crease residue. The  existing  diately after. Rolling the field  annual legume that was used  unit can reduce  misses  and
      sod must be suppressed, and  with a corrugated roller after  extensively in the past before  overlaps and help the oper-
      plant residue reduced prior  seeding will also improve suc- producers had ready access to  ator maintain a consistent
      to  seeding.  The reduction  in  cess.                                lime and fertilizer. In general,  speed (Figure 2).
      plant residue allows seed to          • Use high-quality seed and  cool-season legumes (red and            •    Control     post-seeding
      reach the soil surface where it  adapted varieties. Choose clo- white clover) will be more              competition.  Not controlling
      can be incorporated by freez- ver varieties that have been  productive under good grow- post-seeding competition is
      ing and thawing events. Sod  tested in your region.  The  ing conditions.                               one of the most common caus-
      suppression and residue re- most current variety testing                • Use correct seeding rate.  es of stand failures. One of the
      duction is best accomplished  results can be found by visit- Make sure to maintain and  best management practices
      by hard grazing in late fall  ing your local county exten- calibrate broadcast seeding  is to leave cattle on pastures
      and early winter.                  sion office.   Choose varieties  equipment prior to planting.  that have been overseeded
         • Ensure good soil-seed con- that have performed above  Seeding at too high of a rate  with  clover  until  the clover
      tact. Good soil-seed contact is  average (>100%) for multiple  needlessly  results  in  higher  seedlings have germinated
      required for seed germination  site-years. This indicates that  seed costs. On the other hand,  and are tall enough that the
      and emergence. In frost seed- they are well adapted to con- seeding at too low a rate re- cattle start to graze them.
      ings, this occurs when freeze  ditions found in your region.  sults in weak stands and  Then remove animals from
      and thaw cycles form cracks  Use either a certified or pro- lower productivity.                         the pasture and allow the clo-
      in the soil surface, often re- prietary seed to ensure high             •  Inoculate legume seed.  ver to reach a height of 6-8
      ferred to as a honeycomb  germination, good seed ge- Most improved clover seed  inches. At that time the pad-
      (Figure 3).                        netics, and low noxious weed  comes with a lime-based seed  dock can be placed back into
         •  Seed on proper date.  content. Do NOT use common  coating that contains inoc- the rotation. If the existing
      Frost seeding is best accom- or VNS (Variety Not Stated)  ulant. Make sure that the  vegetation is not controlled,
      plished in late winter or very  seed since there is no way to  seed is fresh and has not been  the new clover seedlings will
      early spring (February and  tell how it will perform.                 stored under adverse condi- be shaded out.
      early March). Frost seeding           • Legume mixture. In most  tions. If the seed is not pre-in-      Frost Seeding at a Glance
      is accomplished by simply  situations, a good mixture for  oculated, inoculate it with the                 •Legumes are an essential
      broadcasting the seed on the  renovating pastures is 6-8 lb/A  proper strain of nitrogen-fix-           part of sustainable grassland
      soil surface and allowing the  of red clover, 1-2 lb/A of ladino  ing bacteria prior to seeding.        ecosystems.
      freeze and thaw cycles to in- or intermediate white clover.  This is relatively inexpensive                •Overseeding may be re-
      corporate the seed into the  On rented farms or where soil  insurance  that  optimum  ni-               quired to maintain and thick-
      soil. Success with frost seed- fertility is marginal, adding  trogen fixation will take place.          en stands.
      ing can be enhanced by drag- 10-15 lb/A of annual lespede-              •  Check seed distribution         •Frost seeding is the sim-
      ging the pasture as the seed  za can be beneficial. Annual  pattern. When using a spinner               plest method for reintroduc-
                                                                            type spreader/seeder make         ing clover back into pastures.
                                                                            sure and check your spread-          •Control broadleaf weeds
                                                                            ing  pattern. In many cases       prior to frost seeding.
                                                                            small-seeded forages are not         •Soil test and apply any
                                                                            thrown as far as you think.       needed lime or fertilizer be-
                                                                            This can result is strips of      fore frost seeding.
                                                                            clover in your pastures rath-        •Suppress the existing sod
                                                                            er than a uniform stand. Also     and reduce residue with hard
                                                                            check  your  seed  distribution   grazing in the fall and winter.
                                                                            pattern. Single disk spinners        •Choose well adapted vari-
                                                                            often throw more seed to one      eties of red and white clover
                                                                            side if not correctly adjusted.   using the  UK forage variety
                                                                              •  Use GPS guidance to          testing data.
                                                                            maintain a consistent distance       •Calibrate     seeder     and
                                                                            between passes and speed. It      check spread pattern.
                                                                            is often difficult to see where      •Broadcast 6-8 lb/A of red
                                                                            seed has already been broad-      clover  and  1-2  lb/A  of  white
                                                                            cast and many ATV/UTVs do         clover that has been inocu-
                                                                            not have a functioning speed-                lated in February or
                                                                                                                         early March.
                                                                                                                           •Control        post
                                                                                                                         seeding competition
                                                                                                                         by grazing pastures
                                                                                                                         until clover seed-
                                                                                                                         lings become tall
                                                                                                                         enough to be grazed
                                                                                                                           •Put        pasture
                                                                                                                         back into rotation
                                                                                                                         once seedlings reach
                                                                                                                         a height of 6-8 inch-
                                                                            Figure 3. Freeze and thaw cycles during late winter   es.
                                                                            result in the formation of cracks in the soil surface often
                                                                            referred to as a “honeycomb”. This heaving incorporates
                                                                            clover seeds into the soil and is commonly referred to as
                                                                            “frost seeding”. (Photo by Jimmy Henning)
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