Page 39 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 39

                                                                                                The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P39

         American Gelbvieh Foundation Scale and                                                                                                   Feeder Cattle Daily
                                                                            Live Cattle
                     Rail Contest and Steer Challenge

         The results are in, and  with 92% having a yield  when selecting Gelbvieh and  Balancer Steer # 5353
      champions have been award- grade of 1, 2, or 3, 79% grad- Balancer® genetics.                           Carcass Value: $2,582.74
      ed in the 2022  American  ing USDA Prime or USDA                                                        Quality Grade: USDA Prime
      Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF)  Choice, and an overall aver- Scale & Rail Contest                            Yield Grade: 3
      Scale and Rail Contest and  age marbling score of 479.                Results                           Owned By: Ed Lavarentz
      Steer  Challenge.  The  con-          The AGF continues to help                                         Sired By: SKF Dunn's
      test harvested 90 head from  advance  the  Gelbvieh  breed              The Scale and Rail Con-                 Escander 023E
      15 participants, awarding  through its support of re- test awarded $1,625 in cash
      $3,625 total in cash prizes  search and development. For  prizes and 15 banners to out- Champion Pen of
      and 21 banners sponsored by  this reason, the AGF contin- standing participants in both  Gelbvieh Steers
      the AGF.                           ues its Scale and Rail Con- the  Gelbvieh  and  Balancer  Pen Value: $6,700.86
         The steers had an excel- test  and  Steer  Challenge.  divisions.                                    Pen Quality Grade: USDA
      lent overall performance with  These two projects provide                                                       Choice
      an average daily gain of 4.12  the information and funds  Champion Average Daily  Pen Yield Grade: 2
      pounds per head per day and  necessary to generate data  Gain Gelbvieh Steer                            Owned By: Post Rock Cattle            Feeder Cattle:  All you have to do is look at the corn market for a reason for the
                                                                             Live Cattle:  My thoughts center around this market stabilizing now.  I’ve been
      a dry matter feed conversion  sets to advance Gelbvieh car- #218J1                                              Co.                         pull-back in feeders. If I owned a feedlot I’d be nervous to say the least.  I do feel
                                                                            placing a bullish tilt to this market for some time now.  I may need to temporarily
                                                                            place this on “hold” for a while.  The higher placements the last three months will
      of 6.19:1. The AGF extends a  cass merit.  Together, these  Average Daily Gain: 4.78                    Sired By: RNBG 32F9                 the feeder market has overdone it to the downside and it will be tough to break it
                                                                            have a negative impact on prices yet, so like they say, “All good things come to those
      special thank you to Kinsley  projects  will  solidify  carcass  pounds                                                                     further.  The early corn harvest has most feeder buyers in the field and I don’t think
                                                                            who wait”.  I see production numbers staying over last years’ levels until at the
                                                                                                                                                  they’ve really had time to concentrate on buying feeders.  Let’em get caught up a
      Feeders  of  Kinsley,  Kansas,  merit  within  the  Gelbvieh  Quality Grade: USDA                       Champion Pen of                     little and they’ll head to town.....checkbooks in hand....bulging with “corn” money.
                                                                            least the end of the year.  Beef shipments have been lagging last years’ levels now
                                                                                                              Balancer Steers
      and Derek Martin, for host- breed and place the cattle in             for about a month.  Two weeks ago they were 8% lower than last year.  This weeks   This market will rally....wait and see.
      ing and supporting the con- a  more  competitive position  Yield Grade: 2                               Pen Value: $7,071.84
                                                                            report showed exports a whopping 56% lower than last year.  This ain’t good.  Low
      test.                              in the beef industry through  Owned By: Post Rock Cattle   Pen Quality Grade: USDA
                                                                            imports and high exports have held this market up all summer.  We’re starting to
         The  steers  were  harvest- providing           supplementary      lose some of that.  I just can’t pull the trigger yet on long term bullish hopes.
      ed at National Beef in Dodge       carcass data on Gelbvieh-in- Sired By: RNBG 32F9                     Pen Yield Grade: 3
      City, Kansas, and sold on the  fluenced  genetics.  In  addi-                                           Owned By: Post Rock Cattle                                Trading commodity futures involves substantial risk of loss
      USPB grid. Thank you to Stu- tion to the data collected and  Champion Average Daily                             Co.                                               and my not be suitable for all investors.  The recommendations
                                                                            Rich Nelson
      art Jarvis for donating the  knowledge gained from these  Gain Balancer Steer # 718 Sired By: JRI Probity                                                         express opinions of the author.  The information they contain is
                                                                                                                                                                        obtained from sources believed reliable, but is in no way guaran-
                                                                            Allendale Inc.
      USPB delivery rights.  The  projects, money raised will  Average Daily Gain: 5.04                       254D28   Allendale Inc.                                   teed.  The author may have positions in the markets mentioned

                                                                                                                                                                        including at times positions contrary to the advice quoted herein.
      steers had an average hot  help to further develop more  pounds                                                                                                   Opinions, market data, and
      carcass weight of 973 pounds  accurate tools for ranchers  Quality Grade: USDA                          Reserve Champion Pen of                                   recommendations are subject to change at any time.
                                                                            What Does this Report Mean to Me?
                                                                                                              Balancer Steers
                                                                            Yield Grade: 3                    Pen Value: $6,980.41
                                                                             Q #1
                                                                            Owned By: Boehler Gelbvieh Pen Quality Grade: USDA
                                                                            What do you think the price of fats will be in April 2011
                                                                            Sired By: SB Shootout 725                 Choice
                                                                                                              Pen Yield Grade: 3
                                                                            Answer: It’s hard to see the forest for the trees here, but peering through the foliage I see $105.00 fats on the horizon for April.  Demand is
                                                                            Champion Carcass Value            Owned By: Cedar Top Ranch
                                                                            going to have to kick in though in order to get it.
                                                                            Gelbvieh Steer # J1K              Sired By: CCMF Mr. Pay
                                                                            Carcass Value: $2,402.37                  weight 19C ET
                                                                             Q #2
                                                                            Quality Grade: USDA               Steer Challenge Results
                                                                             Due to the recent break in feeders, would you be holding your fall-weaned
                                                                            calves for a while or letting them go?
                                                                            Yield Grade: 3
                                                                            Owned By: Lucky Cross                Participants of the 2022
                                                                            Answer: What ever happened to the easy questions?  This will depend upon your weaning sched-
                                                                                                              Steer Challenge were award-
                                                                            ule and your available feed supply.  I’m long term bullish the feeder market but the “reality” of
                                                                            Sired By: VRT Lazy TV Sam   ed $2,000 in cash prizes and
                                                                            right now probably dictates letting them go.  If you keep them for an extra 30 days, make sure you
                                                                                                              six banners.  All five partic-
                                                                            minimize the grain in the ration.  Grow them on good forage....”sell” $4.50 corn.  If the fat market
                                                                            stays sluggish and corn prices don’t moderate, about the only thing you’ve got to hang your hat on
                                                                            Champion Carcass Value                          continued on page 42
                                                                            for “higher feeders” is “Hope”.
                                                                                                                                                   November  6th
                                                                                                                                                    Lunch at 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                         Sale at 12:30
                                                                                                                                                           Sale Offering
                                                                                                                                                   16 - 2010 Heifer Calves Jan. - May
                                                                                                                                                   16 - Breeding Bulls 7 to 18 months             RH Standard Lad 0313
                                                                                                                                                   16 - Spring Calving Bred Females                 Solid As A Rock Sire Group
                                                                                                                                                   16 - Spring Calving Black Females  Reynolds Herefords
                                                                                                                                                           Bred to Hereford Bulls
                                                                                                                                                   8 -    Fall Calving Pairs           1071 County Road 1231
                                                                                                                                                   6 -    Show Steer Prospects
                                                                                                                                                   Both Horned & Polled Offered         Huntsville, MO 65259
                                                                                                                                                    November 5, 2010 Sale offerings on   Home: 660-277-3679 • Matt: 660-676-3788
                                                                                                573-641-5270                                               Display 3:00 P.M.
                                                                                                                                                         CHB Dinner at 6:00 P.M.         • Barb: 660-676-4788
                                                                                                                                                         Call or E-Mail for Catalog  Email:
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