Page 31 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 31

Purchased Hay: The Extra Costs                                                      By Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Educator

                                                                                                The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P31

         Winter is underway and  While the sticker cost is typ- guess is close, a few percent- lespedeza                     and     old-world
      for some, dry weather has  ically the first factor consid- age points either way on en- bluestems from Kansas, ab-
      resulted in a lower than de- ered when buying hay, there  ergy or protein content can  sinthe wormwood from North
      sired hay inventory.    While  are additional costs that pur- mean the difference between  and South Dakota, or even
      we can reduce demand by ad- chased hay can bring to an  healthy cows come calving  leafy spurge or Canada this-
      justing rations or selling an- operation.                             and a successful breed back  tle from a local hay source
      imals, purchasing hay may          1) Get a Hay Test                  or animals in low body con- can suddenly turn a clean
      be the best option to fill in a       Not all hay is created          dition and open animals next  pasture into a battle ground
      feed gap.                          equal.    While a seller may       year.                             with noxious weeds.
         Most of the time, pur-                                               Not only does a hay test           Uninvited guests don’t
      chased hay is hauled in and        list hay quality in their ad-      provide a better understand- have to be plants either. Al-
                                         vertisement, without a test
      fed without issue.  It’s a regu-   to back it up, that number is      ing of what quality of product  falfa weevils can be shipped
      lar occurrence for many oper-      just a guess.  Unfortunately,      you are purchasing, it can  in from just about anywhere
      ations and should always be        more  often than  we’d like,       help with finding the best  or  fire  ants  from  Texas  or
      an option for consideration.       that guess may be pretty far       deal when comparing options.   Oklahoma.   Fire ants won’t

                                                            from  truth.    Using  a  tool  like  the  UNL  survive a typically harsh Ne-
                                                                            Feed Cost Cow-Q-Lator can  braska winter, but if it’s mild
                                                            Many      fac-  factor in initial feed quality,  and the hay is well-sheltered,
                                                            tors go into    transportation, storage, and  they could be a problem for a
                                                            hay quality;    feeding  factors to come up  season or two.
                                                            plant matu-     with a cost per pound of ener-       How do we mitigate these
                                                            rity, species   gy or protein that can easily  risks? Begin by asking ques-
                                                            present, fer-   be compared with other hay  tions.  Find out what pests are
                                                            tilization,     sources or even alternative  a problem in the area your
                                                            moisture        feed options.                     hay is coming from.   Check
                                                            during grow-                                      references.  Reserve the right
                                                            ing, and how  2) Don’t Spread Invasive
                                                            the hay was  Species                              to refuse the hay after it ar-
                                                                                                              rives, and you’ve checked it
                                                            cured     and     Even if the hay looks fine,     out thoroughly.  Then, when
                                                            put up are  unwanted hitchhikers may              you feed the hay, do it only
                                                            just a few.   be lurking inside.   Hard to
                                                            Even if our  control weeds like sericea           in a small area.    That way,
                                                                                                                            continued on page 33

                                    1PM March 4, 2023 | Pawnee Rock, KS

              Ash Valley Evolution 2069                  Ash Valley Bottomline 2016                Ash Valley Encounter 1617
              Ash Valley Evolution 9744 x Ash Valley Maiden 9062   Leachman TL Bottomline x Ash Valley Maggie 9103  Ash Valley Count 8745 x Ash Valley Maggie 8222

             EFFICIENCY                                  Top 5%
                                                           in 10
               CED   BW   WW    YW    MK   CEM   ST       CED  BW    WW    YW   MK   CEM   ST        CED  BW    WW    YW   MK   CEM    ST
                8    0.5   49   73    20    4    21       15   -2.0  67    113  32    8     15       11   -0.9  48    68    22   8     20
               CW    REA  MB    FT   $CEZ  $BMI  $F       CW   REA   MB    FT   $CEZ  $BMI  $F       CW   REA   MB    FT   $CEZ  $BMI  $F
                11   0.30  0.38  -0.08  26.41  119.27  56.30  22  0.52  0.57  -0.03  41.57  151.33  68.77  -2  0.23  0.29  -0.09  39.50  139.25  55.23

                                                                              A Different Shorthorn.

              Marty Loving: 620.786.2018         Offering 75 bulls and 35 replacement females.
              Scott Loving: 620.786.1369
                         All bulls have GrowSafe Feed Efficiency data and genomic-enhanced EPDs.
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