Page 29 - MWC 2-2-2023s
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Frost Seeding Clover: A Recipe for Success                                               The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P29

       By Chris D. Teutsch, S. Ray Smith, and Jimmy Henning, University of Kentucky

         Legumes are an essential  In  the  past,  the  positive  im- implement. Frost seed-
      part of strong and  healthy  pact  of  clover  on  tall  fescue  ing is accomplished
      grassland ecosystems.              toxicosis has always been  by broadcasting clo-
         They form a symbiotic re- thought to simply be a dilu- ver seed onto existing
      lationship with Rhizobium  tion effect, but new research  pastures or hayfields
      bacteria in which the bacteria  from the USDA’s Forage An- in late winter and al-
      fix nitrogen from the air into  imal Production Unit in Lex- lowing the freezing
      a plant available form and  ington shows that compounds  and thawing cycles to
      share it with the legume. Clo- found in red clover can re- incorporate the seed
      ver also increases forage qual- verse vasoconstriction that is  into the soil (Figure 2
      ity and quantity and helps to  caused by the ergot alkaloids  and 3).  This method               Figure 2. Frost seeding is accomplished by broad-
      manage tall fescue toxicosis.  in toxic tall fescue.  The pri- works best with red               casting clover seed onto closely grazed pastures in
                                                 mary compound found  and white clover and  late winter or early spring. Using GPS guidance
                                                 in red clover is a va- annual lespedeza. It is  helps operators maintain equal spacing between
                                                 sodilator called Bioch- NOT recommended for           passes and consistent speed (inset picture). (Photos
                                                                                                       by Chris Teutsch)
                                                 anin A.                    seeding grasses or al-
                                                   Clover stands in  falfa. This article cov-                 sion office.
                                                 pastures thin over  ers the important factors for               •  Soil test and adjust fer-
                                                 time due to various  successful frost seeding.               tility. For clover and other
                                                 factors and require re-      Frost Seeding Tips              improved legumes to persist
                                                 seeding every three to       • Control broadleaf weeds.      and thrive in pastures, an
                                                 four years.  There are  Ideally,      broadleaf      weeds   environment conducive for
                                                 several techniques for     should be controlled prior to     their growth must be created.
                                                 reintroducing     clover seeding legumes since most          This starts with proper soil
                                                 into pastures includ- herbicides will damage clo-            fertility. Prior to frost seeding
                                                 ing no-till seeding,  ver seedlings.  This is best           clover, soil test pastures and
                                                 minimum tillage, and  accomplished by controlling            hayfields then lime and fertil-
      Figure 1. Clover and other legumes are an important   frost seeding. Of these  weeds the season prior to ren-  ize pastures according to the
      part of sustainable grassland ecosystems. They form   techniques, frost seed- ovation. More information on
      a symbiotic relationship with Rhizobium bacteria                                                        soil test recommendations.
      in which nitrogen from the air into a plant available   ing requires the least  controlling weeds in pastures   •  Suppress sod and de-
      form, improve nutritive value, and help to alleviate   amount of equipment  and hayfields can be obtained
      tall fescue toxicosis. (Photo by Chris Teutsch)  and is the simplest to  contacting your local exten-                 continued on page 32

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