Page 25 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 25

DOCILITY                                                                                  The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P25
      continued from page 21

      that are fertile, have good           “We have had some really  females.          The
      carcass quality and good re- good pregnancy rates with  operators be-
      tail value. With all of this at  the Red  Angus semen from  lieve they will
      the front of his mind, Looney  Select Sires. They are a great  see an even
      asked, “Why not Red Angus?” partner because of their  higher                     preg-
         Looney initially reached  quality control,” explained  nancy rate on
      out  to  the  Red  Angus  Asso- Dr. Looney.                           the front-end
      ciation of  America to help           The station currently sees  of the breeding
      him connect with reputable  80-90% pregnancy rates in a  season with AI
      breeders  in  the  area  of  the  60-day breeding season with              continued on
      station. The RAAA staff has  their halfblood Red  Angus                         page 28
      been influential from a ge-
      netics standpoint and the
      overall process of starting
      the Red Angus program.
         The     station     operators
      wanted to make the herd
      more consistent and knew
      Red  Angus would  have in-
      creased fertility. The herd had
      cows that were 1,600 pounds
      and its cow size needed to be
      moderated which was easily
      accomplished through Red
      Angus.  The station recently
      bred  some  of  the  first  half-
      blood heifers back and will                                                                 PRIVATE  TREATY  SALES
      have some three-quarter Red
      Angus  in the next  calving                                                                  Bulls, Females & Frozen Genetics
      season.                                                                                          Available Year Round
         “We really like the docility
      of the Red Angus. We really
      appreciate the heifers we are
      retaining for how easy they                            FOR OVER SIX DECADES, WE’VE BEEN BREEDING RED HIDED
      are to work.  We can readi-                                SEEDSTOCK THAT PRODUCE IN OUR ENVIRONMENT
      ly see the advantages,” ex-
      plained Looney.
         Red Angus are well-suited                   Lacy’s Red Angus & MC Livestock
      for the Arkansas climate with
      their red hide color and ease                             Year after Year, Decade after Decade
      to adapt to the extreme tem-
      peratures. The  environment
      presents many challenges
      such as simultaneous fescue                                                                       BULL &  FEMALE  SALE
      toxicosis and high summer                                                                              October 28, 2023
      temperatures, which can be a                                                                            Drexel, Missouri
      dangerous combination. Red
      Angus are less problematic
      from  a climate  and radia-
      tion-type situation.
         “We are confident the red
      hide will be much better to
      tolerate the temperature and
      that’s the No. 1 reason in se-
      lecting the red cattle,” said
         The station partners with                                Dan & Kelly Lacy | Drexel, Missouri       Nick, Callie & Stetson Curtis | Archie, Missouri
      Select Sires to obtain semen                            Dan: (913) 909-1912 |   Nick (573) 999-3887 | Callie (816) 807-6606
      through a progeny  test pro-                                   LACYSREDANGUS.COM                             MC-LIVESTOCK.COM
      gram. Select Sires sends some
      donated semen on one or two
      reference sires and three
      young sires every breeding
      season.  The station collects
      conception data from the AI
      program, weaning data and
      any available carcass data
      back to Select Sires through
      their project agreement.
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