Page 28 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 28
DOCILITY The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P28
continued from page 25
once they start to breed their “We calve in both spring developing new estrous syn- It’s fun to do what I used to do
three-quarter Red Angus and fall. We get along better chronization protocols at the for a living and give back to
progeny. in the fall with pregnancy station using the Red Angus the people of Arkansas while
Additionally, the station rates than the spring, mainly sires donated by Select Sires. doing it,” expressed Looney.
sees well above 60% pregnan- because of the temperature. “Reproductive technolo-
cy rate with their Red Angus Calving in both seasons is gies are the fastest way for
embryos. The added fertility mainly for research purpos- us to make genetic progress.
of Red Angus will continue to es, looking at different for- Luckily, I have the expertise
propel the program forward ages and authenticity to bal- to do that at basically no cost.
because of the Red Angus ance our budget.”
breeders who have pushed The program currently
the fertility selection criteria. does not use the Feeder Calf
“Red Angus breeders select Certification Program or Al-
their cattle for the real-world lied Access however, they
and have always been real- hope to implement the pro-
ists. The people raising red grams soon to add value. The
cattle are raising them for cows are the revenue genera-
the right reasons,” Looney tor in most university herds
noted. and the money on the sales
The station wanted to of their calves feeds back into
make the herd more consis- the budget for the future.
tent, fertile and docile. Effi- “Registration is not our
ciency was the goal because end-game, but if we raise
a consistent cow herd would something that will be a
allow for increased research unique breeding piece, we
opportunities. Researchers want to share it with our
could study two feeding sys- friends then we will step into
tems in the consistent cattle that part of the breed,” said
allowing the results to de- Looney.
termine true differences in Looney’s graduate student,
treatments. Wyatt Weber, is currently
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