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P. 20

The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P20

                                     WITH MFA HEALTH TRACK

                                               By Brandi Buzzard Frobose, Director of Communications and Editor
         The information age may  make them  more  cost effi- collection of just
      have come to an end in Silicon  cient, improve sorting and  as many data
      Valley, however, it’s just get- feedlot performance and, ul- points.               This
      ting ramped up in the beef in- timately, improve the indus-           abundance       of
      dustry. These days, one would  try’s environmental impact.”           data has led to
      be hard-pressed to find a load     A Worthwhile Investment            some eye-open-
      of feeder calves  that don’t          As with any value-added         ing    learnings
      have a list of descriptors asso-   program, interested produc-        for John and
      ciated with them: Vac 45, Ver-     ers  might  be curious about       the MFA Health
      ified Natural Beef, GAP  and       the cost of enrollment and,        Track team.
      NHTC are just a few snippets       most importantly, the return         “Probably the
      of information that provide        on  investment. Additional         most important
      buyers with a window to what       production steps are almost        thing our data
      they’re bidding on, and pre-       always more likely to be im-       shows  is  that
      diction as to how those cat-       plemented if corresponding         post-wean mor-
      tle might perform once they        premiums are forthcoming at        bidity  and  mor- Mike John, director of MFA Health Track operations, has
      make it to the feedyard.           shipping.                          tality are affect-  worked in the calf health field for more than two decades
         MFA  Health  Track is  one         Health  Track differs from      ed more by the     striving to help cow-calf producers and their profitability
      such program that allows pro-      other value-added programs,        timing  of  vacci-
      ducers to  learn  more about       as there are no fees and ear       nations and other processes       age pull rate from 5% (when
      the calves they’re introducing     tags  are provided  to produc-     than by which products are        the first round is given at
      into their backgrounding and       ers at no charge. The program      used,” said John.                 weaning) to 0.3%, which is a
      finishing operations. The pro-     has been well-accepted by            “What we have discovered        remarkable difference,” he il-
      gram requires 45 days mini-        producers, averaging 40,000        – and now seems to be com-        lustrated.
      mum weaned, two rounds of          head per year and is fast-ap-      mon knowledge – is that early          That discovery is direct-
      vaccinations, treatment for        proaching 900,000 cumula-          age vaccinations, castrations     ly responsible for the devel-
      external and internal para-        tive enrollments.                  and processing all completed      opment and acknowledge-
      sites and have been fed spe-          “The program is paid for        at least two weeks prior to
      cific MFA feed products to         with the margin from the re-       weaning can reduce the aver-                    continued on page 24
      ensure the best possible im-       quired [MFA] feed and animal
      munity. Additionally,  heifers     health products, although we
      must be guaranteed open and        do encourage a veterinarian-            6 REG. RED ANGUS BULLS          PROUD TO SEND 5 REG. RA
      calves must be castrated, de-      client  -  patient  relationship.       TO ARKANSAS BULL SALE
      horned and healed.                 So, as long as we have access                                               FALL BRED HEIFERS
         Mike John, director of MFA      to receipts, they can get the                                            EXCEPTIONAL PEDIGREES!
      Health Track Operations and        animal health products from           Selected for high carcass merit,
      manager of John Ranch, Inc.,       their veterinarian,” clarified        Birth wgt, marbling and ribeye.   Look at them for calving ease, AI
      has worked in the field of im-     John.                                 Sires include, Bieber CL
      proving calf health for more          When it comes to the pre-          Stockmarket, LSF SRR Tyson,       bred on 11/28/2022.  Catalog to
      than two decades.                  mium, Johns said they’re              Statistician, LSF SRR Commander.  have details for the March 25th
         “The objective of Health        usually higher on the lightest                                          sale. Heber Springs, AR.
      Track is to make sure our          calves, as they have the most
      cow-calf backgrounder own-         compensatory gain to prof-            Registered bulls and commercial bred heifers also available at private treaty.
      ers can remain profitable as       it upon, and 700-pound and
      the industry utilizes advanc-      heavier calves are assumed to
      ing technology and demand          have already had immuniza-
      for    properly     conditioned    tions.
      calves increases.”                    “Premiums vary by the
         According to John, Health
      Track was modeled after the        time of year and supply. I’ve
                                         seen as high as $19 per hun-
      Texas Ranch-to-Rail Program        dredweight but it usually av-
      and can help feedyard man-         erages $5 to $8 per hundred-
      agers struggling with health       weight.”
      to procure healthier cattle to        John attested the Health
      fill the supply chain and their    Track benefits are not exclu-           Call or visit!
      pens.                              sive to only those producers             Easy to find
         “We’ve found that if they                                                 off Rt. 63 at
      know how calves have been          who can fill a truckload but           Koshkonong, MO
                                         that premiums are similar to
      processed, implanted, etc. be-     non-program calves above the
      fore they leave the ranch of       normal factors of  draft  size
      origin, they can start moving      and phenotype.
      away from the average based
      system their procurement  Data Delivers Discoveries
      protocols were based on,” ex-         A significant benefit to en-                                
      plained John. “That will also  rolling 900,000 head is  the  Spreutels Farm                                    Wilbur :  417-867-5695
                                                                                                                      Steve:  417-280-1551
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