Page 23 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 23

The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P23
        Choosing to Prioritize Heifer Profitability

                                               By Brandi Buzzard Frobose, Director of Communications and Editor

         Heifers represent the fu- that highlights the beneficial           and launch of the Red Angus       Replacement Heifer Program
      ture of all cattle herds and as  effects of nutrition and repro-      Association of America’s Red      and knowing its success, he
      such, they are often subject to  ductive management on the            Choice program.  The pro-         was encouraged to push for-
      increased scrutiny and finely  success of replacement heif-           gram was developed to pro-        ward with Red Choice as an
      detailed management. For  ers and their longevity in the              mote improved heifer devel-       early-adopter.
      good reason too, as the poten- herd.                                  opment, increase marketing           Miller, who has been in-
      tial for genetic improvement          The pressure on heifers         opportunities for Red Angus       volved with the Red Choice
      and increased profits lies  to carry the operation into a             females and create reliable       program as a pilot herd since
      squarely on their shoulders.  profitable future consequent-           sources of high-quality re-       2020, is thus far happy with
      There is no shortage of data  ly led to the development               placement heifers for cattle      his involvement in  the pro-
                                                                            producers.                        gram. He signed on because
                                                                              Red Choice was based            he wanted to help the indus-
                                                                            upon the Show-Me-Select           try learn more about quality
                                                                            Replacement Heifer Program        livestock.
                                                                            after RAAA  staff spent sev-         “I’m all for helping the in-
                                                                            eral years observing the pos-     dustry  have better beef,” he
                                                                            itive impact the program had      said.
                                                                            on the overall quality of the        Miller is a proponent of
                                                                            Missouri state cow herd. The      Red Choice because it dis-
                                                                            program embraces proven re-       seminates information about
                                                                            productive and genetic man-       quality heifers and makes
                                                                            agement practices which, in       them more available to the
                                                                            turn, lead to high-quality,       industry. He is also a big sup-
                                                                            long-lasting females that are     porter of the popular Feeder
                                                                            ready to hit the ground run-      Calf Certification Program
                                                                            ning in commercial herds.         and has been enrolling his
                                                                              Victor Miller, of Halfway,      cattle  for seven  years. He
                                                                            Missouri, was a long-time en-
                                                                            rollee of the Show-Me-Select                    continued on page 26
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