Page 22 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 22

PREPARING                                                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P22
      continued from page 13                                                GRASS FOCUSED
                                                                            continued from page 19
      at a ballpark figure for the  10% to account for previously
      cost of gain (COG) on the  stated  expenses results in a              are straight forward - keep it  can anticipate that same low
      368 lb. needed to reach the  breakeven of $1,281.                     simple  and  low  stress,”  Don  maintenance.
      target weight. This could be          o At $1.30 COG: 368 x 1.30      said.  “We started using more        “A  customer  can  take  our
      achieved in multiple ways,  = $479.  This added to the                natural forms of parasite con- bull and keep it on grass, and
      depending on available feed  current value of the heifer at           trol in 2009, as opposed to com- he'll breed their cows just fine,”
      resources. For this example  $777 equals $1,256.  Again,              mercial insecticides.  This has  Don said.
      I will assume a cost of gain  raising that value by 10%               resulted in healthier livestock      “If they choose,” Sheri added,
      at $0.80, $1.05 and $1.30 to  results in a breakeven of               and larger populations of tur- “they can put it on their own
      make the following calcula- $1,382.                                   keys,  dung  beetles,  bees,  and  grain-fed program. It's like a
      tions:                                Manage your business,           butterflies in the pastures.”     starter kit. They can stay sim-
         o  At $0.80 COG: 368 x  do the  math, take  invento-                 Their natural approach is  ple with him or put him in their
      0.80 = $295.  This added to  ry of your resources, and                balanced by a traditional vac- traditional operation and go
      the current value of the heif- consult with a nutritionist.           cination program to ensure  from there.”
      er at $777 equals $1,072. To  Each of the ‘breakevens’ cal-           the herd is at their healthy         Don emphasized one signifi-
      account for opportunity cost,  culated above are below the            best when bulls are turned out  cant benefit he sees from rely-
      financing, additional grazing  fall values of good-quality,           with the cows in mid-August to  ing on grass-only development.
      past breeding season, poten- spring-calving, bred heifers             mid-October.                      “I'm not sure you can take a
      tial death loss and the cost of  during the past couple of              “It's  a  tight  window,”  Sheri  grain fed animal and take it
      breeding naturally or by arti- years.                                 said,  “but calving in May is  down to grass only and expect
      ficial insemination (AI), I am        Mark Johnson is a beef cat-     a  healthy  start  for  a  calf.  It's  him to not fall apart.”
      raising this value by 10%, re- tle breeding specialist with           not too hot. Not too cold. And       In the  end, Don and Sheri
      sulting in a breakeven value  Oklahoma State University               there's good grass for lactating  Bryan believe a mid-sized Red
      of $1,180. Do you believe bred  Extension.                            momma cows. This timing also  Angus herd is the perfect fit
      heifers will be worth at least                                        works well for our weaning pro- for two conservationists who
      $1,180 per head a year from                                           gram. May calves are weaned  are developing cattle raised on
      now?                                                                  at ten months of age, in late  grass that flesh easy, calve easy
         o  At $1.05 COG: 368 x                                             March of the following year.  and are naturally healthy. They
      1.05 = $387.  This added to                                           Again, calf health and forage  contend that their scaled-down
      the current value of the heif-                                        are a priority.”                  model is the key to their suc-
      er at $777 equals $1,164.                                               Those who become fans and  cess.
      Again, raising that value by                                          customers of Bryan Red Angus

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