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Docility, Consistency, Fertility and                                                      The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P21

      Efficiency Drive the Demand for Red

      Angus in Arkansas

      by Megan Underwood, Communications Intern
         Charles Looney, Ph.D., has  with Tom Hess who serves as  able. The  sta-
      worked at the University of  the program association and  tion research-
      Arkansas Ag  Experiment  stocker calf manager.                        es the gain of
      Station in Batesville,  Ar-           When Looney arrived at  stockers and
      kansas, for more than three  the station, the herd was a  strives to pro-
      years, working with the es- mixture of Charolais, Her- duce                     cattle
      trous synchronization and  eford, Brangus and nearly
      artificial insemination pro- every other breed imagin-                   continued on
      grams in the herd. Looney                                                     page 25
      has a rich background in re-
      productive physiology with
      more than 40 years of expe-                      AnnuAl Production SAle
      rience and founding his own
      company, Ovagenix.
         “I am an Arkansas native,              Friday, March 17, 2023
      so I wanted to come back and
      finish my career here. Giv-               at the Ranch near Elmdale, KS
      ing back to the people of Ar-          100 - Age-Advantaged Red Angus Bulls
      kansas  who have given me
      so much to begin with,” ex-            100 - Red Angus & SimAngus Yearlings loaded
      plained Looney.                                   with Calving Ease & Cow Herd Traits
         The station operates on             100 - Fall Bred & Open Spring Yearling
      700 acres of pastures for                        Commercial Red Angus Replacements
      cows and an additional 1,200           12  - “U-Pick-Em” Elite Registered  Open Heifers
      acres of pasture for stocker
      cattle.  The station utilizes
      both spring and fall breeding
      seasons with an average herd
      size of 350 head per season
      and normally breeds 60-80
      replacement heifers to retain
      and sell from the herd – all
      steers are retained to be used
      for research trials. Batesville
      is located in the northeast
      corner of Arkansas with the
      forage being mainly fescue of
      novel varieties.  The stocker
      cattle graze on wheat until
      they reach yearling size, at
      this time the station will ei-
      ther retain ownership in the
      feedlot or sell them.
         “Due to the amount of fes-
      cue available and the spring
      breeding season, we thought
      Red Angus would be a much
      better breed choice,” said                 We’ve got the Cure for High Input Costs!
         The advancements of the              Feed costs devour the lion’s share of a cow/calf operations’s annual budget. Mushrush Red
      herd through Red  Angus                Angus  genetics are designed to produce more pounds per acre with less feed, fuel and labor.
      would not have been possi-                Check our website for updated sale information:
      ble without a  strong team
      of knowledgeable individu-
      als. Don Hubbel III was the
      station director who really
      championed the idea of Red                                                                  2346B N Road  ∙  Strong City, KS 66869
      Angus at the Batesville Ex-
      periment Stations. Hubbel                                                              620.340.7461 (Joe)  ∙  620.340.9774 (Daniel)
      retired this year and handed                                                                 
      the reins to Shane Gadberry,                                                             
      Ph.D., who now serves as the                                RANCHES                      Follow us on FB at Mushrush Red Angus
      director. Nate Moss works
      as the program technician
      and cow-calf manager along
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