Page 24 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 24

TRACKING                                                                                  The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P24
      continued from page 20
      ment of the spread between  ening.  As we predicted  23  for their traceability efforts in  via animal  health and iden-
      high-quality, preconditioned  years ago, those operations  raising high-quality beef.                   tification initiatives, during
      calves and bawling calves.  that don’t wean, pre-condition              “We are working with  which time he has seen many
      John’s  opinion is  that  the  and pay attention to genetics  BlockTrust, a blockchain solu- successes. But, as with any
      spread will continue to widen  aren’t going to benefit from  tion for the cattle industry, to  leader, he also has frustra-
      and producers that are slower  average-based procurement  be able to provide value data  tions.
      to adapt will see increasingly  anymore,” he said.                    to each owner as the cattle          “My biggest frustration has
      lower prices for their calves.        The future is rarely predict- move throughout the supply  been that in order to meet
         “As the years go on, we  able; however, John’s crystal  chain,” explained John.                      supply needs, the feedlot sec-
      are gradually moving to a  ball  indicates  the  utilization            “I believe that downstream  tor has unfortunately been
      discount scenario instead of  of digital data will become  performance and carcass data  forced to pay too much for
      a premium one and conse- more critical in a market  are as valuable to the cow-calf  unknown, inferior calves –
      quently that spread is wid- where consumers are desir- producer as preconditioning  therefore paying too little for
                                         ing  to  know  more  and  more  data is to cattle feeders. The  the best calves that warrant a
                                         about the origin and journey  missing link has always been  higher premium,” John start-
                                         of their food.                     finding a way to touch the  ed.
                                            “We have had digital data  70% of the cows that exist on             “By identifying superior
                                         for most of my tenure at MFA  small farms  and ranches in  from  inferior  via  programs
                                         but have found very few op- less-than-critical-mass quan- like MFA Health Track, I hope
                                         portunities to utilize it when  tities. The BlockTrust system  to see genetics utilized that
                                         the calves are in the sale ring.  can provide that connection  can  improve  efficiency  and
                                         I believe that will change as  seamlessly, effortlessly, and  product quality to add more
                                         with  the  emergence of more  anonymously,” he further ex- profitability to the segment
                                         supply chains that intend to  plained.                               that has the most invested in
                                         inform consumers of where          What Does the Future              that process.”
                                         their food comes from,” he ex-     Hold?                                To learn more about MFA
                                         plained.                             A lifelong champion for         Health  Track, visit mfa-inc.
                                            One way to utilize that data    cow-calf producers, John is       com/healthtrack.
                                         is with blockchain technology,     also a former NCBA presi-
                                         which adds traceability for        dent. He has spent his career
                                         consumers and allows pro-          advocating  for  cow-calf  pro-
                                         ducers to receive premiums         ducers and their profitability
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