Page 17 - MWC 2-2-2023s
P. 17

A GOOD START                                                                              The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P17
      continued from page 9                 4.The    Maternal      Bond. a distraction and delay the  dry matter per day post calv-

         3.Nursing.   Standing and       After steps 2 and 3 are com- process.                                ing.  This is even more criti-
      nursing  are  extremely  criti-    plete the majority of the bond-      Remember the nutritional  cal if you are calving out cows
      cal so that a calf ingests an      ing process is established,  requirements of the cow or  and heifers that are thinner
      adequate amount of colos-          but will continue to strength- heifer  will  increase  dramat- than a body condition score
      trum in the first few hours        en over the next several days.   ically once she begins lac- five.   Cows in a body condi-
      of life to acquire passive im-     During the first few hours  tation.    The general rule of  tion of 5 – 6 are better pre-
      munity as well as energy and       post-calving the cow or heif- thumb is at least 25% more.   pared to produce adequate
      other nutrients to maintain        er identifies her own calf and  The dry cow in the last tri- quantity and quality of milk
      body heat.  In order to have       the calf learns who its moth- mester of pregnancy meeting  and colostrum needed to get
      the best chance of survival,       er is.  If all is proceeding nor- her nutritional requirements  a calf off to a good start.
      a calf needs adequate colos-       mally a little privacy is best.   on 24 pounds of forage dry
      trum within two hours of           Too much interference by hu- matter per day will need 30 -
      being born.  A calf begins to      mans or other animals can be  31 pounds of the same forage
      lose its ability to absorb anti-
      bodies from colostrum with-
      in six hours following birth                 RUGGED,
      and nearly all by 24 hours
      after birth.    Any time you
      assist the birth of a calf, you
      should consider giving co-            PERFORMANCE DRIVEN
      lostrum with an esophageal
      tube feeder to the calf before
      leaving the new pair on their                                                                          BULLS
      own.  First calf heifers with
      less experience than cows
      may require a higher level of
      management and assistance
      in order to allow steps 2 and
      3 to take place.    A squeeze
      chute or head catch will be
      handy if you find yourself
      in the situation of assisting
      with the nursing process.


            Center, Inc.

             On I-70, 4 miles east of
        Kingdom City, MO on outer road

              Feeder Sale
               12:30 p.m.

                                                                SELLING APPROXIMATLEY 60 HEAD
         1st Thursday Night                                      Age-Advantaged Red Angus Bulls • Yearling Red Angus Bulls

             of Each Month                                                  Elite Commercial Red Angus Females
                6:00 p.m.                          There is true herd sire potential in these bulls! Rugged bulls designed to drive performance
                                                           in your herd, while maintaining the calving-ease needed for peace of mind.
          Special Cow Sale                              Put Double A bulls engineered to increase your herd profitability to work for you.

              Jack Harrison


            John P. Harrison

               573-386-5150                                                       RANCH LOCATION: NEVADA, MO
                                                                        DENNIS ALT - (913) 558-7966 | COLE ABELE - (417) 684-0881
                                                  22286 W. 74th St. | Shawnee, KS 66227 | | |
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