Page 28 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 28

PREMIUM BEEF REMAINS                                                  cupied by the Certified Angus  before prices soar from fourth

                                                                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P28
                       IN FASHION                                           Beef® brand, has similarly suf- quarter demand.  What we
                                                                            fered a volume decline since  don’t know is the  magnitude
         Since the start of 2022, the  due to slippage in the propor-       early May, putting year-to-date  of volume that this is happen-
      national Choice grade percent- tion of Prime carcasses.               carcass production down more  ing. This activity has elevated
      age posted record-large num-          This year’s Prime grade         than 3%.                          middle meat prices, particular-
      bers through the first week of  percentage was not expected              Through much of the spring  ly ribeyes, midway through the
      June. Easily the highest vol- to  surpass  the summer  2020           season, the lower quality Select  third quarter in recent years.
      ume quality grade category,  highs of 10%, but the recent             carcass share held steady with       This modern buying strat-
      Choice increased specifically  drop below 8% is disappointing         the 2021 pattern with a near  egy and diminishing seasonal
                                                      to end users trying   record-low volume in the 12  access to Prime beef (includ-
                                                      to fill orders at a   to 15% range. However, as the  ing the Certified Angus Beef ®
                                                      reasonable price.     summer fed cattle supply has  brand) has rapidly elevated the
                                                        Recent       data   been ultra-current, particular- Prime to Choice cutout value
                                                      shows  the  Choice    ly in the north, sub-optimal ri- spread. The Prime cutout pre-
                                                      carcass    category   beye marbling measurements  mium to Choice last month at
                                                      declined from 74%     allowed the Select category to  $58.77/cwt. is the same as a
                                                      in the first week of   drift higher than 16%. This is  year  ago.  This has  generated
                                                      July to 72.4% by      larger than summer values in  the top end of the Prime grid
                                                      the month’s end.      the past two years.               premium packer payment of
                                                      However, it’s not        This supply data goes  $45/cwt. and a market average
                                                      due to more car-      against what beef customers  of $22/cwt. With the low end of
                                                      casses    receiving   increasingly desire and are  the range at $0/cwt. for Prime,
                                                      the  Prime  stamp.    willing to pay for premium  it’s important that readers un-
                                                      Quite the opposite    middle meats.  To offset this  derstand that grid marketing
                                                      –  quality  grades    drop, end users have start- formats vary widely, as well as
                                                      are dropping re-      ed to suspend higher-quality  the premiums/discounts rela-
                                                      sulting in more Se-   beef with deep chill storage  tionship to the base price.
                                                      lect grade carcass-   process known as “suspended          Since late April, heifers have
                                                      es. The  Premium      fresh”. This ability to hold beef  factored  more  prominently  in
                                                      Choice  or  “upper    for months near its freezing  the fed cattle mix than either
                                                      2/3’s  Choice”  cate-  point, but still in a fresh state,  of the two preceding years.
                                                      gory, primarily oc-   has elevated buying and stor- The year-to-date 39% average
                                                                            age of premium middle meats                    continued on page 29


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                                       Crooked Creek Angus
                                              Garrett Wood
                                           19970 State Hwy D
                                        Burlington Jct, MO 64428

                       • 660-853-9430
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