Page 32 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 32

Top 5 Risks on Your Operation: Are You Prepared?                                           The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P32

      By Paige Carlson
         How well prepared is your  products, as well as an acci- keeping, as well as
      operation to manage risk?          dent that may have occurred  taxes, bills, and debt—
         For ag operations, often- on your operation. In severe  Is              your     operation
      times successful risk manage- cases, this risk factor will be         actually    profitable?
      ment can make the difference  best managed alongside a law-           Knowing where your
      between an operation that  yer who is familiar with agri- operation stands fi-
      runs like a well-oiled machine  culture, trustworthy and has  nancially through the
      versus one that seems to con- your operation’s best interest  use of cash-flow state-
      stantly be swimming just to  in mind.                                 ments and balance
      stay above water.                     Human—such  as  employ- sheets can be helpful.                    current marketing plan pro-
         “Depending on how your  ee satisfaction, including fam-              Production—utilizing re-        viding the best return?  Are
      operation runs and where you  ily members—Though  often  sources to create a sellable                   there value-added programs
      leverage your pain points, then  overlooked, this risk is an im- return—Looking  at  your  op-          that could increase profit with-
      we can help you put together a  portant piece of the puzzle. Is  eration, ensure assets are             out increasing labor, time, and
      risk management plan to make  the environment of the opera- being managed properly and                  resources? Forward contract-
      sure that you're not going to  tion safe, mentally sound, and  are performing adequately.               ing harvested grain, contract-
      have big effects from your risk  healthy for all involved?  Are  What is the operation’s aver-          ing feed prices at profitable
      areas,” says Ross Bronson, an  family members working on  age mortality rate of livestock?              levels and hedging can be ways
      ag risk consultant with Redd  the operation treated fairly  Are your current bushels per                to manage risks in a commodi-
      Summit Advisors.                   compared to other employees?  acre  comparable to a 10-year          ty-based market.
         Additionally, well-managed         As Bob Larson, DVM, says,  average? What changes could               Which of these areas does
      risks could make the differ- “If you actually go back and see  be made to increase profit on            your operation do well? Where
      ence in an operation surviving  why family farms and ranches  the operation?  Take time to              can your operation improve?
      into the next generation.          don't survive another genera- analyze your production prac-             Find a trusted advisor to
         Here’s a look at the top five  tion, a lot of times it was the  tices to ensure your operation       help you make changes to your
      risks found in ag operations:      human side—family relation- returns the most per acre or             operation, if needed, to better
         Legal—such as liability,  ship fractures and problems  asset.                                        manage risk and ensure suc-
      contractual obligations—This  with your landlord and things             Marketing—strategic             cess in the generations to come.
      includes typical operation- like that.”                               planning in covering risk of
      al tasks, such as delivery of         Financial—such as record  marketable products—Is your             Drovers

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