Page 30 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 30

The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P30
                                                                                Managing Fall Calving Cows is

                                                                                 Different than Spring Calving

                                                                              Cows, Especially During Drought

                                                                              September      is
                                                                            calving season for
                                                                            many fall-calving
                                                                            herds. Nutrition-
                                                                            al management of
                                                                            fall-calving cows
                                                                            is a little different
                                                                            than spring-calv-
                                                                            ing          herds
                                                                            throughout     the
                                                                            production cycle.
                                                                            Peak energy, mea-
                                                                            sured as total di-
                                                                            gestible nutrients  Nutritional management of fall-calving cows is a little different
                                                                            (TDN), and pro- than spring-calving herds throughout the production cycle.
                                                                            tein requirements                 requirements of fall-calving
                                                                            occur early in lactation at       cows.
                                                                            about 1 to 3 months after calv-      And planting cool-season
                                                                            ing (Figure 1).                   annual forages can easily meet
                                                                              For spring-calving cows,        the nutrient requirements of
                                                                            the calving season is typically   lactating beef cows and can
                                                                            aligned with peak energy and      even be used as a supplement
                                                                            protein requirements occur-       to warm-season pasture by
                                                                            ring at the time pastures green   limiting the time cows graze
                                                                            up such that the young tender     the annuals each day.
                                                                            grass with high protein and di-      Fall-calving cows have a
                                                                            gestibility can meet those nu-    couple of advantages. One ad-
                                                                            trient requirements.              vantage is the climate, which
                                                                              For fall-calving cows, the      is typically dry and cool, which
                                                                            ability of pasture to meet        does not increase maintenance
                                                                            peak energy and protein re-       requirements like cold and wet
                                                                            quirements  is  highly  depen-    conditions in the spring.
                                                                            dent upon the forage species.        The second advantage is
                                                                            Cool-season forages such as       that fall-calving cows came
                                                                            fescue regrow in the fall when    through the summer grazing
                                                                            temperatures begin to cool        months without a nursing calf
                                                                            down providing highly nu-         and are usually in very good
                                                                            tritious grass to meet the re-    body condition; 6 or better.
                                                                            quirements of the cow during      Greater body condition at calv-
                                                                            this time.                        ing allows these cows to lose
                                                                              However, warm-season for-       some condition without detri-
                                                                            ages are slowing growth as        mental effects on reproductive
                                                                            temperatures decline and be-      performance.
                                                                            coming dormant having much           The breeding season for
                                                                            lower nutritive value and less    fall-calving cows is usually late
                                                                            ability to meet the nutrient      November through December
                                                                            requirement of cows in early      such that cows are pregnant
                                                                            lactation.                        before bad winter weather.
                                                                              But,    stockpiled     bermu-   Pregnant cows are unlikely to
                                                                            dagrass or  native  grass with    lose a pregnancy due to poor
                                                                            protein supplementation can       body condition, which allows
                                                                            effectively meet the nutrient
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