Page 33 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 33
Know to Tow By Steve Boyles, OSU Extension Beef Specialist The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P33
Some trailers are attached jects protruding into the trail- Examine the tires for signs Bearings will also require
to a tow vehicle’s receiver hitch er. of dry rot, wear, or damage, grease from time to time.
or via a bumper hitch. A goose- Tires and make sure that all tires, Lug Nuts
neck is different from tradition- Improperly inflated tires can including the spare and inside Inspect the lug nuts regu-
al enclosed trailers both in its cause uneven tread wear, affect dual tires, have the correct air larly to ensure they are prop-
namesake shape and because gas mileage, engine wear, and pressure. Consider replacing erly tightened. Use a torque
of the gooseneck hitch attach- can result in a blowout. If you tires at least every five years, wrench to make sure lugs meet
ment within the vehicle’s bed. happen to jackknife your trail- regardless of use. There is a the manufacturer’s recommen-
This allows a gooseneck trailer er, such as when reversing, you four-digit code on most tires. dations for tension.
to be attached to the tow vehi- can put a lot of pressure on the For example, a code of 1121
cle over the rear axle which is sides of the tire which can also would mean the tire was pro- The Hitch
different from a hitch receiver, add to premature wear. duced on the eleventh week of Have the correct ball size
continued on page 34
located at the rear of the vehi- 2021.
cle. Also, because of the closer
proximity of the trailer to the
tow vehicle, a gooseneck trail-
er will typically have a tighter
turn radius over other enclosed
Know Your Numbers
Your tow vehicle needs to
have the capability to tow the
combined weight of the vehicle
and the trailer. Manufacturers
will specify the exact numbers
for each of the four weight lim-
1. Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-
ing (GVWR): The max weight
of your vehicle’s empty weight
and all of the passengers,
cargo, fuel, etc. that the vehicle CASON’S CAMILA K52B K52B
can safely carry PB • Sir
PB • Sired by TNS All Around ed by TNS All Around
2. Gross Combined Weight
Rating (GCWR): The maxi-
mum weight that the fully
loaded tow vehicle and trailer
can be. It can also just be re-
ferred to as GVW and refers to
the weight of the empty trailer
plus the cargo inside. For exam-
ple, a trailer that is 36’ has an
empty weight of 6,000 pounds
and a max cargo weight of CASON’S OLIVIA CASON’S SOPHIA K95BW K95BW
PB • Sired by TJ Roosevelt 366Eed by TJ Roosevelt 366E
PB • Sir
8,000 pounds for a total GVW PB • Sir
PB • Sired by TNS All Arounded by TNS All Around
of 14,000 pounds. 65 ELITE LOTS Spring Fancy Show Heifers
3. Payload/Cargo Capacity: Powerful Fall Open Heifers
The maximum weight of cargo WILL SELL ON Elite Spring Bred Heifers
that your enclosed cargo trailer NOVEMBER 5TH!
can carry. 2077 715th Avenue, Albia, IA 52531
Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmentals
4. Towing Capacity: The Denny Cason 641-814-3332
maximum weight that your Landon Cason 641-799-7350
tow vehicle can safely tow. Sale Management: Eberspacher Ent. Inc.
The Tow Vehicle CASON’S AUBREY K815 Office 507-532-6694 • Val 612-805-7405
CASON’S AUBREY K815 • Marshall, MN
PB • Sir
Have a full tank of gas. PB • Sired by KBHR High Roaded by KBHR High Road
The Trailer
Inspect the trailer floor to
make sure it is sturdy and CASON’S MISS FAVOR J4CAVOR J4C
clean. If more traction is need- Sired by LCDR Favored by LCDR Favor
ed, install rubber matting. Bred to Hook’s Eagle 6Eed to Hook’s Eagle 6E
Consider replacing floorboards Call or email to get on the
that are showing signs of wear catalog mailing list! Catalog
or rot. Wood floors will rot out online at
sooner if not regularly cleaned/ CASON’S MISS CARALOINE CASON’S MISS EGLESTON
remove moisture. Inspect the Sired by THSF Lover Boy B33 Sired By Hook’s Eagle 6E
trailer for broken or sharp ob- Bred to CLRS Guardian 317G Bred to CLRS Guardian 317G