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CROOKED CREEK                      showing cattle, but didn't meet                         The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P26
      continued from page 23             Garrett until college where
                                         the two each competed athlet-
      The bulls that don't make the  ically. Garrett used to sell real
      sale line up serve their own  estate and officiate high school
      noble purpose at Crooked  sports. Now he is fully invest-
      Creek Angus. They  fuel  the  ed in Crooked Creek, and
      beef side of the CCA business  cheering from the bleachers
      model.                             instead of calling fouls on the
         “It feels pretty good when  court. Like mother and father,
      a customer posts a picture  the children are interested in
      on Facebook of a steak he's  farm and sports. The two old-
      bought from us,”  Wood said,  est  girls  participate  in  volley
      “and  someone  else has com- ball and basketball at school,
      mented about the great mar- and on traveling teams, so the
      bling.”                            Woods are trying to find ways
         Wood has not ascended  to make all the events, and
      alone to such notoriety for  still be able to grow their reg-
      seedstock and steaks. His  istered Angus business.
      Angus empire is populated             Labor to do it all and be       building a 336-foot hoop build- he grows the herd. His goal is
      with a special group of peo- at everything is their biggest           ing with a calving barn on the  to continue selling 50 bulls a
      ple for which he continues  challenge.                                side  and  an  office  where  the  year, but he plans to deepen
      to expand his kingdom. His            “But, you'll never hear one     cattle graze to make the farm  the bench.
      wife Jayme, daughters Bray- of the older guys at the coffee           destination a more hospitable        “The goal is to raise 100 and
      lyn  (7th grade), Harper (5th  shop say, 'Work more and miss          place.                            continue selling just 50, to in-
      grade) and Jaylee (2nd grade),  your kids' games.',” Wood said.         “All of the kids love seeing  crease the quality all the time,”
      and son Grayson (4 years)  “I'm trying to find ways to be             the babies during calving sea- Wood said, “so, the bottom end
      reign supreme when it comes  there for them and have them             son,” Wood  said. “That's  my  keeps getting better and bet-
      to future plans at Crooked  be more involved with the                 favorite part of this business  ter. I'd like to get it to where
      Creek.                             farm.”                             – seeing the differences in  my customers say, 'There are
         Jayme is a full time school        The Woods don't live where      the bloodlines, and how much  10 that I can't decide from.'”
      teacher who organizes and  the cattle roam. Instead, they             those  calves can change in          Wood also plans to continue
      manages the sale of nearly 30  have made their home on acre-          that first month. I hope being  ramping up the heifer offering
      Crooked Creek  Angus butch- age midway between the farm               able to breed and calve in the  so that their notoriety match-
      er beefs a year. She grew up  and Jayme's job. Garrett is             hoop barn, the most labor in- es that of the bulls. With such
                                                                            tensive aspects of the job, will  aspirations, ideally, the name
                                                                            keep us out of the mud and  Crooked Creek  Angus will
         Registered Angus Bulls,                                            help me miss fewer Sundays  continue for generations.
                                                                            at church during calving. The
                                                                                                                 “I've always been an avid
         Bred Heifers and Cows                                              facility will make it easier on  hunter,” said  Wood, who last
                                                                            my father and make it more  year harvested the 10th larg-
                                                                            attractive to the children. I  est  bow  kill  all  time  in  the
         For Sale                                                           want to turn this into a full- state  of  Missouri.  “I  used  to
                                                                            blown family operation where  walk these ditches as a kid,
                                                                            my kids can be here in a safer  noticing all the creeks that
                                                                            environment, seeing the calves  wind and intertwine. I named
                                                                            come, spending time running  our farm Crooked Creek to be
                                                                            the  skid  steer  or  just  being  a catchy name and one that
                                                                            with me in the office.”           would go with whoever takes
                                                                              Eventually,  Wood wants to  over the herd when I'm gone.”
                                                                            utilize the space to also host       In the meantime,  Wood
                                                                            their  annual  production  sale  said, “We'll see how many of
                                                                            and be more on location as  my  kids  decide they want to

                                                                              November 19, 2022               Cattlemen's Livestock Exchange
                                                                                      12 Noon                   New Name- Same Location
                                                                                                                  Charlotte, AR - HWY 25
                                                                                                                7750 White Drive, Cord, AR
                                                                                                                   100 Quality Lots
                                                                                                                60 Bulls •40 Females
                                                                                                               Pairs | Bred and Open Heifers |
                       HOPEWELL FARMS                                                                                 Service-Age Bulls
                                                                                                             --Semen Checked | Scrotal Measured--
                       REGISTERED ANGUS                                                                              Minimum Weights
                                                                                                         View the sale book:    On-Line Bidding:
                      24247 Monroe Rd 836 ~ Paris, MO 65275                                               CCI.LIVE
                     Office: 660-327-5277 ~ Cell: 573-721-5596                Sims Plus, LLC
     ~               Sale Manager, Auctioneer         Northeast Arkansas Angus Association
           Bob & Lynn Fodge ~ Bobby & Patty Fodge ~ Alec & Annie Fodge        Mark C. Sims
                                                                              Cell: (580) 595-0901               Dickie Smith, VP: 870-878-1102
                                                                                                                 Pam Taylor, Sec: 870-346-5657
                Mention this ad for free delivery!                            Email:         Christina Spencer, Treas: 870-809-0910
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