Page 27 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 27
work with Dad.” The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P27
First things first, Wood real-
izes he'll have to practice Sov- WILL QUALITY
ereignty over sustainability. continued from page 25
“It's frustrating, especially next two months.
when some things are such The latest CAB grid pre-
common sense problems that miums have not yet adjusted
could be fixed in this world,” higher in response to the sup-
Wood said. “It's so hard to ply void. This week’s $4.64/
write the check for that fuel cwt. price is $0.57/cwt. cheap-
and fertilizer, but it's the boat er than a year ago and a full
we are in. And in each individ- $1/cwt. lower than this week
ual business, it is their duty to two years ago. Granted, the
continue to operate.” CAB premium range typically
Wood added, “This is a cen- sees annual highs of $12/cwt.
tury farm. My dad said one on some grids, but this week’s
time, 'One generation builds high reported by packers was
it, the next generation sus- $8/cwt.
tains it, and the third genera- With a $23/cwt. Choice-Se-
tion loses it. ' That really stuck lect spread the net premium
with me. I started realizing cided to transition from red to ing conquered the weighty to feedyards on each CAB car-
the value and pride that comes black two years ago. responsibility of bearing an- cass is averaging near $11.50/
with ownership, and I want to “My second favorite thing other's reputation. He has cwt. over the commodity fed
pass that along and know that about this business is getting won the respect from family cattle price on a carcass weight
I've done my part to keep it. to see CCA bulls in their envi- and customers for developing basis. That’s an even $100 per
We have to make decisions to ronment and see that they are genetics that meet their needs head at the recent 870 lb. av-
come through rough times and keeping the way they should and fit their environment. erage carcass weight. Not bad,
be profitable at the end of the and breeding like I hope,” Hear ye! Hear ye! It appears but increased input costs have
day. I have no interest in 'los- Wood said. “So, it's nice when I Crooked Creek Angus is roy- feeders potentially weighing
ing it.'” get to see how Dad's bulls are ally committed to bearing the input costs and efficiency im-
Wood has already begun performing and see that they banner of their beloved breed provements against quality
the process of insuring no end got 95% bred. It sure makes for years to come. premiums.
to the Crooked Creek Angus it more enjoyable to check his
dynasty, by converting his herd.”
own father from Red to Black Wood has secured his do-
Angus. Lowell and Monica de- main in the Angus breed, hav-
Sancrest Trailer Sales
Billings, MO