Page 37 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 37
WHAT IS THIS NEW The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P37
Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Office of the State Veterinar- fections. However, once infect-
ian is warning beef producers ed, cattle become carriers and
to look for signs of Theileria in- are protected from new infec-
fection (“theileriosis”) in cattle, tions. There are no recognized
with two confirmed cases in long-term health or production
beef cattle recently reported in effects from persistent infec-
Kentucky. Theileria orientalis tion. Theileria is not a public
Ikeda is a microscopic protozo- health concern and contact Figure 1:
an parasite that infects the red with affected cattle doesn’t Three life stages of the Asian Longhorned tick sized relative to the head of an insect pin.
blood cells of cattle, causing pose a human health risk or Nymphs and adults can transmit Theileria to cattle. Photo - Dr. Matt Bartone, NC State
anemia. The disease is primar- food safety risk.
ily transmitted by the bite of What to look for hind the rest of the herd or be What to do if cows show
an infected Asian Longhorned •The majority of infected off by themselves. signs of anemia
Tick (Haemaphysalis longi- cattle have limited or mild •Affected cows may be off •Contact your vet. Theile-
cornis) or by blood transfer clinical signs. The symptoms feed, have a fever, and sudden riosis and anaplasmosis look
through the use of contaminat- are very similar to anaplasmo- weight loss. almost identical so treatment
ed needles and equipment. The sis, another tick-borne cattle •May see sudden death, es- with an approved antibiotic
tick can feed on many animal disease that causes anemia. pecially in late pregnant and (LA-300 or Baytril 100-CA1)
species, including humans, but •Affected cattle show signs early lactation cows. for treatment of anaplasmo-
the blood parasite only affects of anemia including lethar- •Late term abortions may sis is recommended. However,
cattle. Once a cow is infected, it gy, pale or jaundiced (yellow) occur due to lack of oxygen if Theileria is the cause, there
may take 1-8 weeks before she mucous membranes, and in- to the fetus with subsequent will be no response to the anti-
shows symptoms of disease. creased respiratory and heart death of the calf. Metritis in biotic therapy.
There is a spring peak in rates. Labored breathing may the cow can follow. Breeding •Stress and movement of
disease incidence in March- be mistaken for pneumonia, bulls may have decreased libi- affected animals should be
April and a fall peak in Sep- especially in young stock. do for 1-1.5 months. minimized, as their reduced
tember-October. There is no •Affected cattle may be ex- •Calves, especially 6-8 number of red blood cells low-
effective treatment for sick ercise intolerant and lag be- weeks of age but up to 6 months ers their ability to transport
cattle or vaccine to prevent in- of age, may show symptoms. continued on page 39
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