Page 10 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 10
The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P10
Google’s New Sustainabil- and ignore the science that recording the low-
ity Search Feature Provides demonstrates beef’s sus- est global green-
Inaccurate Data tainability and value to the house gas emis-
Google recently announced environment,” said NCBA sions from beef,
it will be adding ingredi- President Don Schiefelbein, while contributing
ent-level emissions infor- a rancher from Minnesota. to food security for
mation when people search Livestock play an import- the world,” said
for recipes. The goal, accord- ant role in protecting open Schiefelbein. “Ad-
ing to the search giant, is to spaces and account for only a ditionally, cattle
allow consumers to see how very small portion of green- production pro-
one ingredient compares to house gas emissions. In fact, tects green space,
others. Unfortunately, the eliminating all livestock in upcycles grass and
new feature sources its data the U.S. and removing beef forages and pro-
from the United Nations, from the diet only would re- vides consumers
which provides inaccurate duce greenhouse gas emis- with a lean pro-
climate information on cattle sions by 0.36% globally. tein source packed
production. “Cattle producers have a with essential nutrients.” ing this new feature widely
“Google is using its bil- demonstrated record of con- NCBA is urging Google available.
lions of dollars of resources tinuous improvement, which to consider the science of KLA
to target cattle producers has led to the United States beef production before mak-
By Greg Henderson
Among America’s great and certainly one of the most clothing to planning a driv- Additionally, cattle produc-
success stories, Google is up valuable brands. ing route or weekday meal.” tion protects green space,
there with the best of them: The company hires engi- That includes information upcycles grass and forages,
Henry Ford’s cars, Sam Wal- neers and computer scien- about how Google evaluates and provides consumers with
ton’s general stores, Steve tists by the busload. Yet, de- beef, which is to say, Google’s a lean protein source packed
Jobs’ minicomputer/phone/ spite all of those nerds on the metrics are heavily slanted with essential nutrients.
flashlights. payroll Google is short-hand- against beef. Google should seriously re-
Google's search engine ed on "moo" intelligence and That quickly drew the ire consider this feature.”
technology, e-commerce and it just insulted America’s of the National Cattlemen’s Google apparently relied
artificial intelligence have cowboys with its new sus- Beef Association, which de- on some U.N. emissions data
fueled the company's rapid tainability feature. nounced Google’s initiative on beef globally, which doesn’t
ascent – it's not yet 25 years Google now offers the abil- as an attempt to bias con- take into account how much
old – to annual revenues that ity to view information about sumers against beef through more sustainably American
top $250 billion. Some even the environmental impact of their new sustainability beef is produced.
call Google the “most pow- certain choices – “from buy- search feature that provides Hmmm…. You would think
erful company in the world” ing a new car or pre-owned inaccurate climate informa- the company could have Goo-
tion on cattle production. gled that information!
“Google is using its bil- NCBA says livestock play
lions of dollars of resources an important role in protect-
to target cattle producers ing open spaces and account
and ignore the science that for only a very small portion
demonstrates beef’s sus- of greenhouse gas emissions.
tainability and value to the Eliminating all livestock
environment,” said NCBA in the U.S. and removing
President Don Schiefelbein, beef from the diet would
a Minnesota cattle produc- only reduce greenhouse gas
er. “Cattle producers have a emissions by 0.36% global-
demonstrated record of con- ly. NCBA is urging Google
tinuous improvement, which to consider the science of
has led to the United States beef production before mak-
recording the lowest global ing this new feature widely
greenhouse gas emissions available.
from beef while contributing Drovers
to food security for the world.
LIFE ing the calf frolicking in green make more than one financial your steaming, hot scones, I
continued from page 5 grass (if we ever get another donation each year. Why not encourage you to adopt a bee-
tion of $350 (cheaper than a rain), suckling its mother, and adopt an entire herd? hive in Britain. If you love a
hive of bees) to Jerry Crown- otherwise having a wonderful While I don’t think the IRS sumptuous, All-American rib-
over. In return, you will receive time out on the farm. In addi- will consider this a charitable eye steak, grilled to perfection,
a framed picture of a calf with tion, the donor will also receive donation to a non-profit orga- I implore you to adopt a baby
your initials, or your compa- a certificate that designates nization, they might consider calf from me, here in the Unit-
ny’s logo, which will appear on the supporter as a, “Friend of this endowment as a red entry ed States.
the calf’s left hip. You will also Farming,” and is suitable for on one’s profit/loss statement.
receive social media messages framing. It will also be per- So, if you like delicious,
throughout the years, show- missible (even encouraged), to all-natural honey poured over