Page 31 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 31

THINKING ABOUT                                                                  ABOUT OUR HEIFERS

           BUYING HEIFERS?                                                                  •  E & A Belgian and Cattle Farms will be offering 180
                                                                                              fancy commercial Angus heifers this fall. E & A follows
                                                                                              a very elite program.
             OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING!                                                       •  All heifers are put through the

                                                                                              Missouri Show-Me Select Heifer program.
                                                                                            •  E & A 's replacement bred heifer program utilizes
            E&A BELGIAN & CATTLE FARMS WILL BE OFFERING:                                      strategic nutrition and health.

           15 Fancy Bred Heifers  Approximately 120 Fancy Heifers                           •  All heifers are purchased from top local producers.
                                                                                              These heifers are born, raised, and bred on good old
               Meyer Cattle Company                            EMCC                           ‘Missouri fescue’. They are developed and conditioned
                Bowling Green, MO                        Bowling Green, MO                    to thrive in our local environment!  Most of these
           Friday, November 3rd, 6:00 p.m.       Saturday, November 25th,12:30 p.m.           heifers are sired by registered Angus bulls!

                           Approximately 40 Fancy Heifers                                   •  E & A 's Elite program includes track score, pelvic

                                                                                              measure, calf-hood vaccination, 8-way Blk Leg, Vira
                                   Show-Me Select Heifer Sale                                 Shield 6 VL5, two types of pink eye vaccinations,
                                          Palmyra, MO                                         Multimin 90, and dewormed several times.  Heifers
                                Saturday, December 9, 12:00 p.m.                              are tested PI-3 negative.   Heifers are ultrasounded 90
                                                                                              days after bull ‘turn-out’.  Many heifers are fetal sexed.
           Whether you are looking for a small set, or a large group
            of heifers all handled the same way, developed with you                         •  E & A 's Elite program also includes ‘hand feeding’ all
                                                                                              heifers and walking through heifers daily.  Heifers must
             in mind to stay profitable on the farm a long time take                          pass E & A 's disposition test!
                              the time to check these out!                                  •  All vet work is done by Dr. Neil Martin of Centralia


                                                                                            •  E & A 's Elite replacement program synchronizes and
                                                                                              all heifers are naturally serviced to registered black
                                                                                              Angus bulls for calving dates starting February 2,

                                                                                            •  Heifers developed through the E & A program have a
                                                                                              reputation of having moderate sized calves that grow
                                                                                              really, really well.   E & A heifers milk exceptionally
                                                                                              well!  E & A heifers have very good mothering ability!

                                                                                            •  All E & A replacement heifers will have a BCS (or
                                                                                              body condition score) of 5 or 6.  E & A heifers should
                                                                                              maintain this BCS through calving.
                                                                                            •  E & A offers a ‘bred heifer guarantee’ - meaning if you
                                                                                              buy an E & A heifer and she does not calve,
                                                                                              E & A will take her back and replace her with another
                                                                                              bred female.

                                                                                            •   All heifers will be ultrasounded twice and grouped into
                                                                                              ‘tight calving’ windows.

                                                                                            ABOUT OUR BULLS

                                                                                            •  E & A selects bulls from Meyer Cattle Company
                                                                                              in Bowling Green, Missouri and Mead Farms in
                                                                                              Versailles, Missouri.

                                                                                            •  All bulls are registered black Angus with above breed
                                                                                              average EPDs.  Most all of our bulls have ‘double-digit’
                                                                                              CEDs for calving ease.  However, we do not just select
                                                                                              single trait EPDs.

                                                                                            •  Currently we have bulls in Top 1% for $M; Top 1%,
                                                                                              CED, Top 1% $C, Top 2% foot structure, Top 2% $W,
                                                                                              Top 1% HP, Top 3% Milk, Top 10% WW, Top 10% YW.

                           Ernest and Anna Mae Girod
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