Page 26 - MWC 3-9-2023s
P. 26
LEASING BULLS? the bull owner will include a The Midwest Cattleman · March 9, 2023 · P26
continued from page 25 photograph of the bull to il- transportation and bears any tion to purchase the bull at
lustrate his condition on or
•Identification of an- around the date of delivery. risk of loss, injury, or illness the end of the lease or is this
imals: The lease should be Identify the cows: In most of the bull during the deliv- a “rent-to-own” contract for a
clear on which bull(s) are cases, bull leases should be ery time? Are there penalties bull?
subject to the lease. If the bull clear on which females the for late delivery? Will the •Insurance: The bull
is registered with a breed as- bull will be bred to. In some bull be transported to a bull may be insured to cover risks
sociation, it is recommended instances, a detailed list of stud once a month during the relating to the death, injury
to include the breed regis- the cows, their identification lease? It is also recommend- or illness of: (a) the bull; (b)
tration number and a copy numbers, dates of birth and ed that both parties agree to other animals caused by the
of the registration paper as breed may be attached as comply with transportation bull or; (c) people caused by
an addendum. Consider put- an addendum to the lease. laws for the truck and trailer the bull. This coverage may
ting the approximate weight This may be important for and any animal welfare laws be included in the Farm
and body condition score of multiple reasons: (1) to show that apply to the transpor- Owner’s Comprehensive Li-
the bull at the time of the that the bull will not be over- tation of livestock, including ability Policy, coverage by
agreement; in some cases, worked; (2) to demonstrate the “twenty-eight hour law.” specialized and targeted live-
that the bull will or will not •Term: The term of the stock insurance, or another
be used on virgin heifers or; lease and procedures for ex- type of commercial insur-
(3) the bull will not be bred to tending the term should be ance; however, the parties to
unapproved cows owned by clear. the bull lease should address
the breeder or third parties. •Payment terms: Bull this issue.
•Bull use location(s): leases should have unambig- •Representations: Are
The bull lease should be clear uous payment terms. What is the parties making any rep-
where the bull will be housed. the rate, timing for payment, resentations to the other
Will the bull be on pasture on payment method(s) and in- party? For example, the bull
the breeder’s property? Will structions, and penalty for owner might be representing
the bull transfer among three late payment, including in- the bull’s ownership, breed,
different properties owned or terest. Some bull leases re- pedigree, expected progeny
rented by the breeder? quire a security deposit to differences according to the
•Delivery: How is the help ensure the delivery of a breed association, genetic
bull being transported from healthy bull at the end of the DNA markers, health, fertil-
the bull owner’s property to term. ity and structural soundness.
the breeder’s property? Who •Option to purchase: If the bull owner represents
pays for the expense of the Will the breeder have an op- that the bull tested positive
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