Page 29 - MWC 3-9-2023s
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and I knew it would take a                                                                  The Midwest Cattleman · March 9, 2023 · P29
      miracle to move the bull in
      time to go with her. I went to
      my  bedroom,  kneeled  down,
      and prayed that God would
      help Dad and I move the bull
      in time for me to go to town.
         “Dad and I caught the
      horses,  saddled  and  loaded
      them in the little old pickup
      trailer. My dad would drop
      the tailgate and the horses
      would jump into the trailer
      that had sucker rod stock
      racks to keep them in. Dad
      and I headed to the pasture
      about a mile from home. We            “My great grandfather’s  tractor tire is low or a cow is
      pulled into the pasture and        brand was a horsehead, dat- limping. Stay tuned in and
      the bull was about a hun-          ing back to the beginning of  engaged and focus. Basically,
      dred feet from the gate, with      Oklahoma's  statehood,” Tay- be responsible.”
      not  another  cow  in  sight.  I   lor said. “I decided to name         Hired hand Frank Moore,
      was amazed!  And I knew            the ranch in Henry Taylor's  Taylor said, influenced him
      that God had answered my           honor, after his brand.”           tremendously by his Christ-
      prayer.  The bull could have          Great  Grandson Taylor  like ways. He also taught him
      been with the herd a mile          never met his grandfather.  not to touch a hot corral pipe
      away  from  the  gate,  but  he    His knowledge of his ranch- fence that's just been welded.
      was practically waiting for        ing expertise came handed  “That was my first ranch-
      us by the gate. Dad and I un-      down through Taylor's father. ing lesson that I learned at
      loaded the horses and easi-           “From the time I was knee  age  5,” Taylor  said,  after  he
      ly moved the bull out of the       high, and even while I was  burned his hands.
      pasture gate around a field        an air traffic controller, it        Every lesson learned in air
      and into another pasture in        was Dad who taught me the  and on turf has helped Tay-
      less than 30 minutes.              ropes. He's the one who told  lor build a Brangus herd he's
         “Even at ten years old, I       me, in farming, that no one is  proud to run under the fam-
      might have considered it a         going to come do this for you.  ily brand and dedicate to his        newborn calf, until they leave
      coincidence if the cows had        He'd say, 'We have to do it,  Lord.                                  our place, gentle action and
      been with the bull near the        or it doesn't get done.' All of      “We've had some fabulous        working  in low  gear around
      gate. But he was standing          agriculture is tough, but it's  bloodlines over the years,”          the animals is good for them,
      there all alone. I knew I had      something I've embraced my  Taylor said. “Cadence – out-             for us, and our customers.”
      witnessed a miracle.”              entire life.”                      standing for size  and gen-          It's all about handling, ac-
                                            Direct experience work- tleness. John Wayne – a line
      Brangus - Better than a            ing cattle in the pen instilled  that has dominated the breed        cording to Taylor, who keeps
      Fishing Pole                       a  “safety first” motto into  for years. Lead Gun – who is           his herd easy to manage and
         By the time  Taylor was  Taylor's  conscience. “Always  also amazing. These are sim-                 responsive to him by feeding
      grown and starting his own  have a Plan B to protect  ply the foundation bloodlines                     from a 5-gallon bucket while
      ranch, he had outgrown the  yourself, in case somebody  that are just solid for the                     checking the herd.
      need to shop for fishing tack- gets squirrely,” Taylor said.          traits we're looking for.”           Gentleness is complement-
      le and camping gear and had  Everything from  A to Z in                 Those select characteris-       ed by growthiness.
                                                                                                                 “All of our customers are
      become quite content to sel- general care from equipment  tics include great dispositions
      dom trek to town. Though he  to animals, his dad imparted.  across the board, along with                looking for farm raised bulls
      left the distractions of boy- “Most importantly, Dad em- females known for milk and                     and heifers that have good
      hood, he never forgot where  phasized the need to pay at- maternal instincts. Horseh-                   growth  potential,” Taylor
      he came from.  Thus, the  tention to the little details,”  ead Ranch wants bulls with                   said. “Folks want to sell big
      ranch name.                        he said.  “Check to see if a  growth          and     outstanding    calves who put weight on the
                                                                            EPDs. They want high marks        trailer when they head  to
                                                                            in scrotal circumference and      town.”
                                                                            low numbers in birth weight.         UltraBlack (Brangus x
                                                                                   “Ideally,” Taylor  said,   Angus) are part of the hy-
                                                                            “I want a female to look com-     brid picture at Horsehead
                                                                            fortable in her work clothes,     Ranch.  The UltraBlacks re-
                                                                            with superb eye appeal, and       move about a quarter of the
                                                                            outstanding maternal in-          Brahman in the first gener-
                                                                            stincts, so that, at the end of   ational  cross.  “Then  we can
                                                                            the day, she raises a calf that   take that calf back to Bran-
                                                                            everyone wants in their front     gus,” Taylor  said, “and  put
                                                                            pasture.”                         some back in, so their calf is
                                                                                                              75% Brangus and 25% more
                                                                            Easy Does It                      Angus.”
                                                                              Taylor's cruising level with       With Brangus and Ultra-
                                                                            Brangus is easy and slow.  Blacks,  Taylor said he sees
                                                                            “Interaction  with  our  cattle  greater pinkeye resistance,
                                                                            brings a sense of calmness,”
                                                                            he said, “from the time of a                  continued on page 30
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