Page 30 - MWC 3-9-2023s
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FLIGHT PLAN                        Midwest has to dole out,                                 The Midwest Cattleman · March 9, 2023 · P30
      continued from page 29             from heat and humidity in          heritage of fam-
                                         the summer, to cold, wet           ily that moti-
      more heat tolerance and            winters. They have the ma-         vates his up, up,
      plenty of hybrid vigor. Those      ternal instinct to chase off a     and away deter-
      are the traits that open doors     coyote that's been missed by       mination.
      north of Oklahoma for a            hunters and trappers.  And           “I don't want
      breed more familiar to the         the  Taylors are using their       to disappoint my
      southern states.                   hearty  Brangus for  even          ancestors,” Tay-
         “People  come  to me  be-       more good.                         lor said. “I want
      cause they know what they  The Brangus Blessing                       my great grand-
      want and what has worked in           “We have choices each           father, that I
      the  past,” Taylor  said. “Cus- and  every  day  to  live  out        never knew, and
      tomers  seeking  Brangus  in- the Lord's will for our life,”          my grandfather
      fluence come from four-state  Taylor said. “If we do so, we           and father who
      area, and as far north as Ne- live out His blessing.  We'll           passed this life
      braska. That's a pretty good  keep moving ahead with our              down to me, to
      reach for being a relatively  Brangus, because our cattle             be proud of me.”
      small breeder in my area.”         make it possible for us to           Taylor won't
         Horsehead Ranch Bran- help those in need or less for-              always be able to
      gus are built for all that the  tunate, and to offer discounts        control the chal-
                                                   for veterans who         lenges that come
                                                   have served our          in beef cattle ranching. He  ranching in general, that it's
                                                   country. They  also      can't navigate the industry  like eating an elephant. You
                                                   give a young pro-        with precision instruments  have to eat it one bite at a
                                                   ducer a solid start      like an air traffic controller.  time to chip away at it.”
                                                   in    the    Brangus     But, he can work at it with a        With faith in God's provi-
                                                   business when we         right attitude and a focus to  sion and trust in his Brangus,
                                                   sell in good faith a     do it as unto the Lord.           Taylor is cleared for takeoff
                                                   nice heifer or bull        “The  work is  endless in  at Horsehead Ranch to follow
                                                   to them.”                that it is a labor of love,” Tay- a beefed up flight plan.
                                                      While       Taylor    lor said. “Let me put it this
                                                   sings the praises of     way:  There's  so much work
                                                   his breed, it is the     involved in agriculture, and

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