Page 28 - MWC 3-9-2023s
P. 28

The Midwest Cattleman · March 9, 2023 · P28
                 Flight Plan at Horsehead Ranch Based on Faith and Brangus

                                                                    By Brenda Black

         Mike Taylor, Talala,  Ok.,  neck, he transferred to the  tations, developing bulls and  or more important, than biol-
      used to be an Air Traffic Con- Tulsa Airport, to be closer to  heifers from start to sold, and  ogy when it comes to gentle
      troller. Now he's a full-time  home and help on the farm.             talking to cows over a bucket  Brangus.
      Brangus seedstock breeder.            “The air traffic control- of pellets. But ask this man            Cattle and Miracles
      Though raised on country air  ler job was fabulous,” Taylor  who was mandatorily retired                   At a young age, Taylor first
      and crossbreds, and a fourth  said, “but I had a taste of the  after  36  years  from  the  air-        saw how God would use cat-
      generation  cattleman, Tay- big city and didn't much like  port tower, which occupation                 tle in his life to reveal him-
      lor's career took him to the  it. I was glad to get back to  yields the greater risk. He'll             self to a country boy.
      big city to work at the Dallas/ Oklahoma.”                            say with conviction, “The cat-       “In about 1975, I saw my
      Ft. Worth  International Air-         For the next 10 years, Tay- tle business. I've seen more          first miracle,” Taylor said. “I
      port. In the tower, he cleared  lor and his wife Malinda de- cattle die in pastures than                was around 10 years of age.
      planes for takeoff, and talked  voted themselves to raising  people on planes.”                         It was a Saturday and my
      pilots through diversions and  boys and helping his dad. By             Having endured several          father wanted to move a bull
      final approaches. In 1990,  the time the new millennium  phases of training and pass-                   out of a 160-acre L-shaped
      when Taylor's dad broke his  arrived, flight plans for the  ing a medical exam that in-                 brushy pasture into a field,
                                                       Taylors changed  cluded  vision,  color  vision,       then around to another pas-
                                                       once again. Tay- hearing, psychological, sub-          ture. I was the only son and
                                                       lor had fallen  stance abuse, cardiovascular,          obligated to help my dad.
                                                       in love with the  and neurological screenings,            “My mother was going to
                                                       Brangus breed  one would think Taylor to be            town and of course I want-
                                                       and bought eight  fiercely pragmatic. In reality,      ed to go along to check out
                                                       females       from he is a man that puts more          the sporting goods section at
                                                       area     breeders trust in what is unseen than         Walmart. It was quite a treat
                                                       to  start  his  own  what can be traced by radar.      for a young country boy to
                                                       herd.                Taylor confesses gladly that      go to town once every couple
                                                          Today,     Tay- raising cattle gives him a ce-      of weeks to look at fishing
                                                       lor runs about a  lestial view of God at work          poles, BB guns and camp-
                                                       hundred Bran- here on earth, and he holds              ing gear. However, Mom was
                                                       gus cows, man- staunchly to the ideology               leaving in a couple of hours,
                                                       aging grazing ro- that environment is as much,


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