Page 27 - MWC 02-25-2021s
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WINTER                                                                                   The Midwest Cattleman · February 25, 2021 · P27
      continued from page 11             this would be the perfect place  in effect, plant the seed for you.   This will require a bit of scouting
                                         to start life.  However, the same  One draw-back to frost seeding  to make sure the timing is right.
      ly establish before they have to   North Carolina study showed  is the need for a relatively snow- Wait until the grass is 3-4 inches
      start fighting for nutrients, sun,   that the cow pie environment  free landscape for the seed to get  above the seedlings, then graze it
      and moisture.                      was often too dense and nutrient  down to the soil surface before  down to the seedlings height.
      Feeding Seed                       rich to maintain seedling surviv- imbibition and take advantage of      While winter may not seem
         Two other methods that might  al beyond a few weeks, even if the  the freezing and thawing action.   like the time to put seed in the
      be considered are feeding seed  seed germinated.    Their study         While  seeding  rate will  de- ground,     alternative    seeding
      and frost seeding.  Both can occur  showed improvements of 40-60%  pend upon species, a good rule       methods  like  frost  seeding  and
      with frozen soils and have less  when pastures were dragged and  of thumb when seeding into an  feeding seed may be exceptions
      topographical  limitations  than  manure pats spread out.             existing grass stand is 2-3 lb. of  to the rule.  Both may be worth
      using a no till drill.  Feeding seed   Frost Seeding                  seed per acre.    With the lower  exploring as ways to improve
      is exactly what the name im-          A preferred method with high-   likelihood of germination with  pasture performance with lower
      plies.  Hard seed, typically clover,   er success than feeding seed, is   this method, bumping that up an  labor requirements and not hav-
      is mixed in with a supplement      frost seeding.  Frost seeding is a   extra lb. might be a good idea.  ing to worry about seeding during
      or mineral and fed to animals in   general broadcast of seed across       As things green up in the  busier times this spring.
      the hope that some seed passes     the ground during the winter,      spring, heavily flash grazing to   University of Nebraska-Lincoln
      through the digestive system still   allowing the natural freezing    set back the established grass can
      viable and is able to germinate on   and thawing of the ground to,    reduce  competition  to  the  new
      the other side.  Studies at North                                     seedlings and improve  success.
      Carolina State University have
      shown that uncoated seed has a
      better chance at remaining viable      WHY ARE WE STILL HERE AFTER MORE THAN 25 YEARS?
      than coated, especially when fed
      through loose mineral.   Coated
      seed retained more moisture al-
      lowing the high salt environment
      to negatively affect the enclosed
      seedling.   Coating also reduced
      viability once in the animal, al-
      though the exact reason for this
      interaction was hard to pin down.
         One last thing to consider
      when  feeding  seed  is  seedling
      survival.   Since seed is deposit-
      ed in manure, one might think

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